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中国日报网 2016-02-06 09:19



3. 咬春

bite the spring

“立春”九大风俗 鸡蛋为啥能立起来?


In many parts of China, people observe the custom of "biting the spring" on the first day of Start of Spring. They eat spring pancakes, spring rolls, or a few mouthfuls of Chinese red radish.

传统的中国农历将一年分为24个节气(the traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms),"立春"(Start of Spring)是一年中的第一个节气(the first solar term of the year)。今年的"立春"节气从2月4日始,到18日结束。"立春"拉开了春季的帷幕(lift the curtain of spring),此后万物复苏,充满勃勃生机(everything turns green and full of vigor)。人们也能明显感觉到白天开始变长,天气回暖(the daytime is becoming longer and the weather is becoming warmer)。

因为我国民间有在"立春"这一天"咬春"(bite the spring)的习俗,京城多家老字号(time-honored brand)名店准备了春饼(spring pancake)、春卷(spring roll)、酱肘子(braised pork shoulder with soy sauce)等食品供给前来"咬春"的顾客们。稻香村多家门店的春饼春卷上午就被抢购一空,韭菜(leek)、豆芽(bean sprout)等与立春相关的食品也受到青睐。

"立春"的习俗除了"咬春",还有放风筝(fly a kite)、立鸡蛋(erect the egg)、剪春花贴春字(post spring calligraphy and painting)、赏梅(appreciate plum blossoms)等。


24节气 24 solar terms

春分 Spring Equinox

秋分 Autumn Equinox

促进血液循环 promote blood circulation

加快新陈代谢 speed up metabolism

梅兰竹菊 the plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum

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