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中国日报网 2016-02-06 09:19



4. 四个全面

Four Comprehensives


The "Four Comprehensives", the overarching strategy for China's long-term development, has been explained with a rap in an animated music video by Xinhua News Agency.

该歌曲动画MV全长3分10秒,从百姓视角、以问答的方式对"四个全面"的宏大内涵(connotation)进行了精辟的阐释:"小康是目标(prosperity is the goal),改革是动力(reform is the drive),法治是保障(rule of law is the guarantee),党建是关键(Party building is the key)"。

歌曲部分融合了舞曲(dance music)、说唱(rap)、合唱(chorus)等多种音乐形式,用"大白话"歌词解读"四个全面"的意义;而动漫部分在卡通主基调上加入了拼贴、波普(pop)等视觉手法和"快闪"(pop-up)、"弹幕"(bullet screen) 等流行元素。

具体来说,"四个全面"即Four Comprehensives,指的是:全面建成小康社会(comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society)、全面深化改革(comprehensively deepen reform)、全面依法治国(comprehensively implement the rule of law)、全面从严治党(comprehensively strengthen Party discipline)。其本质是"战略布局"(strategic blueprint)。

2014年,国家主席习近平首次提出了这个概念(first coined by President Xi Jinping)。2015年2月2日,他在省部级主要领导干部学习贯彻十八届四中全会(the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee)精神全面推进依法治国(rule of law)专题研讨班开班仪式上集中论述了"四个全面"战略布局(comprehensive strategy)的逻辑关系。


小康社会 moderately prosperous society

深化改革 deepen reform

依法治国 rule of law

从严治党 strengthen Party discipline

繁荣与社会进步 prosperity and social progress

政府制度的现代化 modernization of the system of government

社会公正 social justice

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