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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-03-13 14:49


4. 国资监管
State-owned capital supervision


China will continue to deepen the reform of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and further strengthen State-owned capital supervision to ensure their safety and appreciation this year, Xiao Yaqing, chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said on Thursday at a news conference during the two sessions.

肖亚庆表示,今年国企管理和改革(the management and reform of SOEs)有三个重点:加强国有资本监管(strengthen State-owned capital supervision)、强化风险控制(enhance risk control)以及深化国企改革(deepen SOEs reform)。我国将采取一系列的改革措施提高国有企业在国际市场的收益(improve SOEs' revenue in global markets)。这些措施包括:混合所有制改革(mixed-ownership reform),设立资产管理公司(establishment of asset management companies),以及国企股权多元化(diversification of SOE equity)。

国资委副主任黄丹华称,国资委今年国资监管的重点将从之前的管理国企本身(govern SOEs themselves)转向管理其资产(manage their assets),减少资源浪费(cut resource waste),提高工作效率(improve work efficiency)。


非国有资本 non-state-owned capital

非公有资本 non-public capital

国有资本 State-owned capital

集体资本 collective capital

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