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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-03-13 14:49


6. 全域旅游
all-for-one tourism


In the Government Work Report he delivered on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang called for improved tourist facilities and services, and for a big push to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism and all-for-one tourism.

所谓"全域旅游(all-for-one tourism)",是指将一个区域作为旅游目的地(tourist destination)来建设和运作,实现区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展(integrated development)、社会共建共享,以旅游业带动和促进经济社会协调发展(promote coordinated development of the economy and society)。突破行业、部门、区域局限,把旅游业放到推进新型工业化、城镇化、信息化和农业现代化(promote a new type of industrialization, urbanization, IT application and agricultural modernization)的大格局中来谋划,促进旅游业与生态、文化、体育等产业深度融合(deep integration),形成多点支撑的(be driven by multiple props, be brought by multi-stimuli/multiple driving forces)大旅游发展格局。在"全域旅游"格局中,到处都是风景(scenery/landscape),而非到处都是景点景区(scenic spots and tourist sites);到处都有接待服务(reception services),而非到处都是宾馆饭店。

分析人士指出,"全域旅游"首次写入政府工作报告,契合了当下旅游业的发展趋势(in accordance with the current tourism trend),是对未来我国旅游业发展的重要引导(a significant guidance to the development of China's tourism in the future),旅游将从传统旅游发展到"旅行",进而发展到"旅居(sojourn)"。国家旅游局局长李金早表示,我国旅游正从"景点旅游"向"全域旅游"转变。在我国旅游发展的初级阶段,主要是建景点、景区、饭店、宾馆。然而旅游业发展到现在,已经到了全民旅游(mass tourism)和个人游(independent travel, individual tour)、自驾游(self-driving tour)为主的全新阶段,传统的景点旅游(tourism at scenic spots)模式已不能满足现代大旅游发展的需要。


高端游 high-end travel

深度游 in-depth travel

跟团游 package tour

旅游收入 tourism revenue

长线目的地 long-haul destination

旅游从业人员 tourism service provider

出境游 outbound trip, trip to overseas destination

旅游不文明行为 inappropriate/uncivilized tourism behavior


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