Cambodia's tuk-tuk rivals 柬埔寨 “突突车” 遇竞争对手
BBC英语教学 2018-08-31 14:45
Cambodia's tuk-tuk rivals 柬埔寨 “突突车” 遇竞争对手
Cambodia's tuk-tuk rivals 柬埔寨 “突突车” 遇竞争对手
有关 “交通工具 transport” 的词汇
How do tuk-tuk drivers think competition from auto-rickshaws will affect them?
There's a new gang in town: young, colourful, speedy and you see them just about everywhere in Phnom Penh.
But all's not well on the capital's increasingly crowded streets where ageing cyclos, motor taxis, locally made tuk-tuksand cars all battle for road space.
但柬埔寨首都的交通状况并非尽如人意:在日益拥挤的街道上,陈旧的倒骑式人力三轮车、机动出租车、当地制造的 “突突车” 和汽车都在竞相争夺道路空间。
Now there's the auto-rickshawto contend with. Their popularity has caused a ripple of discontent among the legions of tuk-tuk owners, who see their way of life and incomes under threat.
Deth Chan, tuk-tuk Driver
Before the rickshaws arrived, everyone used tuk-tuks. But the rickshaws use LPG so they're cheaper and they also use the phone network which we don't have, so now customers prefer them over us.
戴斯·陈 突突车司机
Many auto-rickshaws are equipped with PassApp, a Cambodian version of Uber or Grab. And this new ride-hailingplatform has quickly won over passengers no longer content to haggle over the fare.
很多机动人力三轮车都装有这款叫 “PassApp” 的打车应用软件,它相当于柬埔寨版的优步或 “Grab”。这个新的叫车平台已迅速争取到了那些不甘于为车费讨价还价的乘客。
While the drivers of the old and the new carriagesmight see themselves as competitors, there's a potential solution that could see both sides coming together.
Top Nimol, PassApp Founder and CEO
We are in the middle, we understand the market, we understand about the driver. That's why we encourage the driver for the traditional tuk-tuk to join us.
托普·尼莫尔 PassApp 创始人及首席执行官
There's little doubt the auto-rickshaw is here to stay. The question now is, can both sides co-exist or is the auto-rickshaw firmly in the driver's seat?
cyclos (乘客坐在前方的)人力三轮车
tuk-tuk “突突”车
auto-rickshaw 机动人力三轮车
ride-hailing 叫车的
carriages 载人的车辆
A project called 'Book Book Tuk-Tuk' is using the motorised vehicles to deliver textbooks and lessons to children in remote villages in Cambodia.
一个叫 “BookBookTuk-Tuk” 的项目使用突突车这种机动交通工具来为柬埔寨偏远村庄的儿童运送教科书并给他们教授课程。
Tuk-tuk owners worry that competition will threaten their way of life and incomes.