中国日报网 2018-09-03 14:13


Police and prosecutors in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, released statements on Saturday, verifying that the man's behavior constituted justifiable defense and noting he should be exempt from criminal liability.
正当防卫(justifiable defense),指对正在进行不法侵害行为的人,而采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成一定限度损害的,属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任。
If a person employs an act to stop an unlawful infringement for the purposes of avoiding the said infringement for the State's or the public interest or for his own or another person's right of the person, property right or any other right, thus causing harm to the unlawful infringer, the said act shall be regarded as a justifiable defense and the said person shall not bear criminal responsibility.
If a justifiable defense apparently exceeds the limits of necessity, thus causing a serious harm, the person involved shall bear criminal responsibility, but be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from punishment.
If a person employs an act of defense to an immediate violent crime of committing physical assault, homicide, robbery, rape, kidnapping or any other crime seriously endangering the safety of another person, thus causing bodily injury or death to the unlawful infringer, the said act shall not be regarded as a defense that exceeds the limits of necessity, and the said person shall not bear criminal responsibility.
其中,“正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任”指的就是“防卫过当(excessive defense)”。
侵害升级 escalating assault
从该案的起因看,刘海龙醉酒驾车(drunk driving),违规变道(illegal lane change),主动滋事,挑起事端;从事态发展看,刘海龙先是推搡,继而拳打脚踢,最后持刀击打(knife attack),不法侵害步步升级。
危及人身安全 endanger personal safety
本案系“正在进行的行凶(ongoing assault)”,刘海龙使用的双刃尖角刀系国家禁止的管制刀具(restricted knives),属于刑法规定中的凶器;其持凶器击打他人颈部等要害部位,严重危及于海明人身安全(seriously endanger Yu's personal safety);砍刀甩落在地后,其立即上前争夺,没有放弃迹象。砍刀虽然易手,危险并未消除,于海明的人身安全始终面临着紧迫而现实的危险(Yu's life was at risk during the whole process)。
防卫强度 level of self-defense
于海明抢刀后,连续捅刺、砍击刘海龙5刀,所有伤情均在7秒内形成(five stabs in seven seconds)。昆山市公安局在通报中指出,司法实践中,考量是否属于“行凶”,不能苛求防卫人在应急反应情况下作出理性判断,更不能以防卫人遭受实际伤害为前提(the person being attacked could not be expected to make rational judgments in such an emergency, let alone judge the case by the injuries they suffered),而要根据现场具体情景及社会一般人的认知水平进行判断。
江苏省人民检察院表示,人身安全是每个公民最基本的要求(personal safety is a basic requirement of every citizen),面对来自不法行为的严重紧急危害(severe and imminent assault),法律应当引导鼓励公民勇于自我救济,坚持同不法侵害作斗争。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)