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中国日报网 2018-09-13 08:58



President Xi Jinping meets Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the fourth Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok,Russia, on Tuesday. MIKHAIL METZEL / TASS


习近平指出,中俄互为最大邻国和最重要的全面战略协作伙伴(the most important comprehensive strategic partner of coordination),拥有广泛共同利益。双方加强合作,深化利益交融(deepen the integration of interests),有利于携手化解外部风险和挑战(address external risks and challenges),促进共同发展振兴(boost common development and revitalization)。

Sub-national cooperation plays an important part in bilateral relations, and cooperation plans between the two countries should rely on their local regions, be implemented in local regions and benefit local regions, Xi said, stressing that the closer the sub-national cooperation is, the more solid the foundation of the China-Russia mutually beneficial cooperation will become.


一要发挥地方政府作用,加强统筹协调(local governments should strengthen overall planning and coordination),切实优化政策环境,鼓励更多地方结好(forge more partnerships),为两国企业相互投资营造更优质的营商环境(better business environment)、更便利的合作条件(more convenient conditions for cooperation)。

二要创新合作思路(innovate the ideas for cooperation),拓展合作地域(expand the areas for cooperation),善用合作平台,发展好现有机制,深入探讨推进区域合作新方式(explore new ways to advance regional cooperation)。

三要深挖互补优势(give full play to their complementary advantages),突出地方特色,实现合作精准对接(push for more precise ways of cooperation),整合优质资源,激发合作内生动力,化优势为收获,打造合作亮点。

四要密切人文交流(increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges),强化合作的主流民意和社会基础(cement the mainstream public opinion and social foundation for cooperation),推动两国地方文化、旅游、教育、媒体等领域交流机制化、常态化,增进彼此好感和认同感。

习近平强调,今年年初,我同普京总统决定2018年至2019年举办中俄地方合作交流年(the year of China-Russia local cooperation and exchange),将地方合作(sub-national cooperation)确定为今明两年双方合作主线。

The governments of the two countries will support their local regions in making the pie of cooperation bigger and sharing the fruits of cooperation, Xi said, while expressing the hope that the representatives of Chinese and Russian regional governments at the roundtable can grasp the opportunity to usher in a new era in China-Russia sub-national cooperation and contribute more to bilateral relations.



东方经济论坛(Eastern Economic Forum,EEF)是在俄罗斯总统普京的倡议下从2015年开始举办的,每年的举办地均在俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克。该论坛在俄实施远东开发战略(economic development of the Russian Far East)中扮演重要角色,并已逐渐成为亚太地区深化经济合作(the expansion of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region)、探讨国际和地区问题的新平台(a new platform to discuss international and regional issues)。

第四届东方经济论坛9月11日在位于俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克的远东联邦大学拉开帷幕,国家主席习近平应俄罗斯总统普京邀请赴俄出席论坛。本届论坛的主题是“远东:更多机遇(The Russian Far East: Expanding the Range of Possibilities)”。



中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系 China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination
大国关系 major-country relations
邻国关系 neighborhood interaction
巩固传统友谊 consolidate traditional friendship
新型国际关系 a new type of international relations

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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