嫦娥五号2019年底发射 2020年前后首探火星
中国日报网 2019-01-15 11:20


首次实现月球背面着陆与巡视勘察(landing and detection on the far side of the Moon);
首次实现月球背面与地球的中继测控通信(relay and telemetry, track and command between the far side of the Moon and the Earth);
首次实现在月球背面着陆器和月球轨道微卫星的甚低频科学探测(ultra-low frequency scientific exploration by the lander on the far side of the Moon and the lunar-orbiting micro-satellite),运载火箭多窗口、窄宽度发射和入轨精度达到国际先进水平;
首次进行了超地月距离的激光测距技术试验(laser-ranging technology experiment beyond the Earth-Moon distance);
首次在月面开展生物科普展示(biological science demonstration on the lunar surface);
首次开展国际合作载荷搭载和联合探测(international payloads cooperation and joint exploration)。
China plans to send its Chang'e 5 probe to the moon around the end of the year and bring lunar samples back to Earth, Wu said.
China follows its three-step objectives for lunar exploration, namely "orbiting, landing and sample returning", and the last objective will be realized by Chang'e-5 bringing back samples.
随着今年年底嫦娥五号到月球正面取样回来,后续探月工程(lunar exploration program)还将完成三项任务包括:嫦娥六号、嫦娥七号和嫦娥八号。
嫦娥六号计划在月球南极进行采样返回(sample on the south pole of the Moon);
嫦娥七号计划在月球南极综合探测(conduct a comprehensive exploration on the south pole of the Moon),包括对月球的地形地貌(topography)、物质成分(material composition)、空间(spatial environment)进行一次综合探测;
嫦娥八号计划进行更多关键技术的月面试验(carry out further scientific exploration experiments and test some key technologies on the Moon),包括要不要在月球建立科研基地或科研站、月面如何进行3D打印、能否利用月壤建造房屋等,为共同构建月球科研基地进行探索。
2020年,我国将首次发射火星探测器(first Mars exploration mission)。
探月工程 lunar exploration program
月球背面 the far side of the Moon
太阳辐射 solar radiation
重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket
在轨测试 in-orbit test
公转周期 period of revolution
自转周期 rotation period
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)