“极地漩涡”来袭 芝加哥变身“芝伯利亚” 'Cold as ºF': Chicago residents make best of life in 'Chiberia' during polar vortex
中国日报网 2019-02-01 14:04
A blast of polar air has swept across many cities in the US leading to the lowest temperatures in a generation. Schools and businesses have closed, flights have been cancelled and as of Wednesday evening, at least eight deaths had been linked to the system.
The city skyline is seen from the North Avenue Beach at Lake Michigan, as bitter cold phenomenon called the polar vortex has descended on much of the central and eastern United States, in Chicago, Illinois, US, January 29, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
美国中西部极寒天气由“极地漩涡(polar vortex)”位移造成,“极地漩涡”正常情况下在北极上空平流层盘旋,但最近受到扰乱,开始向南移动。
In “Chiberia” – as locals have dubbed Chicago as temperatures have plummeted to -30C – it is cold enough to freeze an egg on the sidewalk. Or to turn a bubble blown outside into a beautiful frosty snow globe before it splinters with the cold.
snow globe:雪花玻璃球,奇幻水晶球
A man pulls a suitcase during a brutal winter storm in Buffalo, New York, on Wednesday. [Photo/Agencies]
Chicago isn’t the only city hit by the low temperatures, or the coldest, with the temperature dropping to -41C in Park Rapids, Minnesota.
While the extreme cold is miserable for many, some have been trying to find a bright side. In Chicago, residents have posted photographs on social media showing just how freezing life has become.
Local news outlets have made their reporters brave the elements to test whether an egg placed in a frying pan at these temperatures would freeze – the opposite of frying an egg on the sidewalk in extreme heat.
“Cold as ºF,” was the headline on the Loyola Phoenix, the official student newspaper of Loyola University in Chicago and on Tuesday, the Chicago Tribune ran sage weather-related advice on its front page: “Expert: avoid being outside”.
But many ignored the expert warnings and ventured into the cold to attempt the “boiling water challenge”, which saw people throw pots of boiling water into the air, which froze before hitting the ground.
Others posted videos of bubbles blown outside, which freeze into gorgeous baubles before cracking, or of their fork suspended in mid-air by a waterfall of frozen noodles. The hashtag #DogsofChiberia was created, showing pets rugged up in custom puffer jackets, hats and booties so they could survive a trip outside.
还有一些人上传在室外吹泡泡的视频,在泡泡破裂之前,会先冻成美丽的水晶球,或是餐叉悬在半空中,上面挂着一柱冰冻的面条的视频。社交媒体上还出现了#芝伯利亚的狗 这一标签,展示出宠物狗们裹着定制的羽绒夹克、戴着帽子、穿着短靴,在室外撒欢的场景。
Videos also circulated that appeared to show train tracks across Chicago on fire. The fires, which actually run next to the rails, are used by Metra, the Chicago-area commuter rail, to make the rails expand in an attempt to avoid cracks forming and switches clogging.
“ATTENTION! Due to the extremely frigid conditions, tomorrow Kettering Police Department is canceling ALL criminal activity. However, our jail is still open and is a balmy 72 degrees and would be a perfect time to turn yourself in for any warrants and/or any other criminal activity you may have committed.”
The post also stated that the department is “offering free transportation for any who want to take advantage of this offer.”
凯特林警方的“冷幽默”在社交网站“脸书”上被疯狂转发,并引来效仿。辛辛那提州的蓝灰警察局(Blue Ash Police Department)也发布了同样的信息。
在明尼苏达州北部举行的耐力赛Arrowheard 135,在大雪和寒风中进行,为期3天。参赛者可以选择骑车、滑雪或者跑步进行比赛。今年的比赛有146人参加。
Arrowhead 135要求选手完成135英里的行程。这项赛事被认为是世界上50个最艰难的比赛之一。承办方将今年的比赛称为“史上最冷”的一次。
Women’s winner Faye Norby, left, and Jeff Leuwerke cross finish line together Wednesday morning. Photo: Scott Rokis/Arrowhead 135
They'll set out on foot, on bikes or on skis for the 15th annual Arrowhead 135 race. It's a round-the-clock, 135-mile trek across the northern Minnesota wilderness.
参与者将徒步、骑车或者使用滑雪板完成第十五届Arrowheard 135耐力赛。这项年度赛事是一项全天候的比赛,全程135英里(约合217公里),参赛者将穿越明州北部荒野。
It's a tough test in any weather conditions. But this year the forecast calls for temperatures of about 23 below zero at the start — and perhaps in the 30s below zero.