中国日报网 2019-02-18 11:23
The Palace Museum announced on its official website on Sunday that the "Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City" will be held for two consecutive nights on February 19 and 20.
The event is the first of its kind in the Palace Museum's 94-year history. The main locations open to the public will be the Meridian Gate exhibition hall, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the East Wall, the Gate of Divine Might and other areas of the Palace Museum.
故宫介绍,此次活动不收费(free of charge),将邀请劳动模范(model workers)、北京榜样、快递小哥(deliverymen)、环卫工人(sanitation workers)、解放军和武警官兵(PLA and armed force soldiers)、消防队员(fire fighters)、公安干警(police officers)等各界代表以及观众朋友(预约成功者)数千人,前往观灯赏景,共贺良宵。
1、入场前,你可观赏午门城楼及东、西雁翅楼在灯光映照下的壮美雄姿(the magnificent view of the lit-up Meridian Gate)。
2、自午门入场后,首先观赏点亮后的太和门广场(the lit-up Gate of Supreme Harmony)。
3、随后由午门西马道登午门城楼(go up to the Meridian Gate tower),参观“紫禁城里过大年”展(the exhibition of "Celebrating the Spring Festival in the Forbidden City"),在东雁翅楼欣赏中央民族乐团琵琶演奏家赵聪及其团队的精彩演奏。
5、沿着城墙来到东华门城楼(the East Prosperity Gate tower),参观“营造之道——紫禁城建筑艺术展”,当走过近千米长的布满红灯笼的故宫东城墙时,可以看到临近城墙西侧的部分古建筑也被点亮,聆听到畅音阁(Pavilion of Cheerful Melodies)戏楼传来的戏曲声音。
6、到达东北角楼(northeast turret of the Palace Museum)后,步行至神武门(the Gate of Divine Prowess),在这一区域可以观赏到城墙南北两侧通过艺术灯光投影于建筑屋顶上的《千里江山图卷》等绘画作品(the painting of "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains" projected on the roof of the building),宛如画中游。
午门 Meridian Gate
太和门 Gate of Supreme Harmony
乾清门 Gate of Heavenly Purity
神武门 Gate of Divine Prowess
东华门 East Prosperity Gate
太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony
中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony
保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony
养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation
交泰殿 Hall of Union
中正殿 Hall of Rectitude
奉先殿 Hall of Ancestral Worship
武英殿 Hall of Martial Valor
皇极殿 Hall of Imperial Zenith
乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity
坤宁宫 Palace of Earthly Tranquility
翊坤宫 Palace of Earthly Honor
永和宫 Palace of Eternal Harmony
慈宁宫 Palace of Compassion and Tranquility
永寿宫 Palace of Eternal Longevity
钟翠宫 Palace of Accumulated Purity
景仁宫 Palace of Great Benevolence
储秀宫 Palace of Gathered Elegance
宁寿宫 Palace of Tranquil Longevity
咸福宫 Palace of Universal Happiness
寿康宫 Palace of Longevity and Health
金水桥 The Golden Water Bridge
珍妃井 Well of Pearl Concubine
御花园 The Imperial Garden
角楼 corner towers (turrets)
九龙壁 Nine-dragon Screen Wall
万春亭 Pavilion of Myriad Springtimes
千秋亭 Pavilion of One Thousand Autumns
宝蕴楼 Hall of Embodied Treasures
畅音阁 Pavilion of Cheerful Melodies
斋 studio, lodge, etc
轩 bower
楼 building, sanctuary, hall
堂 hall
馆 lodge, hall
亭 pavilion
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)