中国日报网 2019-03-01 11:30

互联网+护理服务 Internet Plus nursing services

According to the announcement, Internet Plus nursing services will be an online system that will enable discharged patients and elderly or disabled people to call registered nurses to visit them at home and provide nursing services.
方案提到,“互联网+护理服务(Internet Plus nursing services)”重点对高龄或失能老年人(elderly or disabled people)、康复期患者(convalescents)和终末期患者(terminally ill patients)等行动不便的人群,提供慢病管理(chronic care management)、康复护理(rehabilitation nursing)、专项护理(specific care)、健康教育(health education)、安宁疗护(hospice care)等方面的护理服务。
方案明确,派出的注册护士应当至少具备五年以上临床护理工作经验(registered nurses sent by pilot medical institutions should have at least five years of clinical nursing service experience)和护师(nurse practitioner)以上技术职称,能够在全国护士电子注册系统中查询。
方案提出,试点医疗机构或互联网信息技术平台应当按照协议要求,为护士提供手机APP定位追踪系统,配置护理工作记录仪(nursing work recorder),使服务行为全程留痕可追溯(traceable),配备一键报警装置(one-click alarm device),购买责任险、医疗意外险和人身意外险等。要建立医疗纠纷和风险防范机制(medical dispute and risk prevention mechanism),制订应急处置预案。同时,畅通投诉、评议渠道,接受社会监督(open to public supervision),维护群众健康权益。
去年,不少地区就已经出现“共享护士(nurse sharing)”服务,操作方式与其他共享类服务app相似,也是线上预约(making appointment online),线下服务(offering service offline),提供上门打针输液(injection and IV)、静脉采血(blood draw)、外科伤口换药(wound dressing change)、灌肠(coloclysis)、吸痰导尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)、鼻饲(nasal feeding)护理及指导等10多项服务。
珠峰大本营 Mount Qomolangma base camp

Kelsang, deputy director with the reserve's administration, said ordinary tourists are allowed to visit areas around Rongpo Monastery, 5,150 meters above sea level.
As for travelers who have a climbing permit, they can go to the base camp at an altitude of 5,200 meters.
珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区(Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve)于1988年设立,涉及西藏日喀则市定日、聂拉木、吉隆和定结四县,总面积3.38万平方公里,位于中国境内及中尼边界上的五座海拔8000米以上山峰均在区内。
根据《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》,自然保护区分为核心区(core zone)、缓冲区(buffer zone)和实验区(experimental zone)。《条例》中表述:核心区“禁止任何单位和个人进入;除依照本条例第二十七条的规定经批准外,也不允许进入从事科学研究活动”。
2018年,珠峰保护区功能分区重新调整并获国务院批准。调整后,属实验区的绒布寺一带依据《条例》可以进入从事科学试验(scientific experiments)、教学实习(teaching and practicing)、参观考察(visit and inspection)、旅游(travel)等活动。绒布寺以上区域为珠峰保护区核心区。
多年来,大批登山者前来挑战极限,以至于山上遗留了大量人体排泄物(human feces)及睡袋(sleeping bags)、氧气瓶(oxygen tanks)等各种非生物降解的登山设备(non-biodegradable climbing equipment)。
The total number of climbers attempting to reach the summit from the north side will be capped at 300 this year, a third fewer than normal, as China begins a large-scale clean-up of the world’s highest peak.
China has set up stations to sort, recycle and break down the rubbish; on the Nepalese side, organizers have started sending large waste bags with climbers during the spring climbing season to collect trash that can be winched back to base camp by helicopters.
中国今年还将首次对海拔8000米以上的登山者尸体(the remains of mountaineering victims)进行集中处理。西藏体育局还要求登山者,在下山的时候都必须携带8公斤的垃圾下来。
尼泊尔从2014年开始,向登山队收取4000美元的垃圾保证金(garbage deposit of $4,000),若队内有成员下山时未带回8公斤的垃圾和人类排泄物(bring back 8 kg of trash and human waste),这笔保证金将被没收(the deposit will be forfeited)。
紫禁城上元之夜 Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City
The Palace Museum announced on its official website on Sunday that the "Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City" will be held for two consecutive nights on February 19 and 20.

The event is the first of its kind in the Palace Museum's 94-year history. The main locations open to the public will be the Meridian Gate exhibition hall, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the East Wall, the Gate of Divine Might and other areas of the Palace Museum.
故宫介绍,此次活动不收费(free of charge),将邀请劳动模范(model workers)、北京榜样、快递小哥(deliverymen)、环卫工人(sanitation workers)、解放军和武警官兵(PLA and armed force soldiers)、消防队员(fire fighters)、公安干警(police officers)等各界代表以及观众朋友(预约成功者)数千人,前往观灯赏景,共贺良宵。
职业教育改革 vocational education reform
China has vowed to cultivate more quality laborers and skilled workers by reforming its vocational education systems, according to the plan.
Vocational education and training systems will be reformed to match with science and technology development trends and market demands and to promote economic modernization and higher quality employment, the official documents note.
《方案》提出,从2019年开始,在职业院校、应用型本科高校启动“学历证书+若干职业技能等级证书(diploma plus certificates of vocational skills)”制度试点工作。
到2022年,职业院校教学条件基本达标,一大批普通本科高等学校向应用型转变,建设50所高水平高等职业学校(50 high quality higher vocational schools)和150个骨干专业(群)(150 core specialties)。
一是完善国家职业教育制度体系(improve national systems and policies relating to vocational education)。
二是构建职业教育国家标准(establish national standards for vocational education)。
三是促进产教融合(promote integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities)。
四是建设多元办学格局(diversified operation of vocational schools)。
中央一号文件 No. 1 central document
2月19日,新华社受权发布《中共中央 国务院关于坚持农业农村优先发展做好“三农”工作的若干意见》。
This year and the next will mark a decisive period for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and quite a few tough tasks must be fulfilled in the fields relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people.
Unswerving efforts must be made to ensure that addressing the issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people enjoy a central place on the work agenda of the CPC.
中央一号文件(No. 1 central document)指中共中央每年发布的第一份文件(the first policy statement released by central authorities each year)。中共中央在2004年至2019年连续十六年发布以“三农”(农业、农村、农民)为主题的中央一号文件,强调了“三农”问题(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)在中国社会主义现代化时期“重中之重”的地位。
The country should consolidate the sound momentum for agricultural and rural development, capitalize on the role of agriculture, rural areas and rural people as the ballast stone, and win the upper hand in effectively handling risks and challenges.
Work must be done to deepen agricultural supply-side structural reform, win the tough battle against poverty, give full play to the key role of rural primary-level Party organizations, and push forward rural vitalization in all respects, according to the document.In doing so, the country will ensure the fulfillment of goals and tasks for rural reform and development by 2020, it added.
Existent policies will be fully implemented to ensure the country's poverty elimination targets being realized - to lift all its rural residents living below current poverty line out of poverty and eliminate poverty in all poor counties and regions by 2020.
Focus will be put on providing assistance to areas of extreme poverty, via favorable policies ranging from major projects, poor resident relocation, finance and nurturing of talent.
The country vowed to solve prominent problems involving poverty reduction, and pledged consistent efforts to crack down on corruption and misconduct, according to the document.
The document noted that the country will strive to ensure effective supply of major agricultural products. Efforts will be made to ensure that grain planting area remains steady at 1.65 billion mu (110 million hectares) and arable land area is kept above 1.8 billion mu, as well as develop 800 million mu of high-standard farmland by 2020.
It said the country will move to optimize agricultural structure, boost production of green agricultural products or those in short supply, and roll out plans to increase soybean planting and support dairy industry.
The country vowed to step up breakthrough in key agricultural core technologies, and promote independent innovation in areas including biological breeding, heavy agricultural machinery, smart agriculture and green agricultural inputs.
The document also noted the country will enhance agricultural cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road, actively expand imports of agricultural products in short supply at home, diversify importing channels, and foster the development of multinational agricultural corporations.
Progress should be made to promote rural development as well as improve rural living environments and public services such as education, health care, social security, elderly care and culture.
The country will take measures to improve rural infrastructure including roads, grids and logistics network, as well as enhance pollution treatment and environmental protection.
According to the document, the country will foster the development of rural industries and diversify channels to increase the income of farmers.
It stressed developing industries with local characteristics, modern agricultural product processing and new rural services. The country will also push forward a digital countryside strategy.
The country should improve employment services and vocational training to promote the employment of the rural labor force and increase their incomes, the document said.
China will encourage rural migrant workers, college graduates, veterans and urban personnel to make innovations and start businesses in rural areas, and support the building of service platforms to encourage business startups.
Efforts will be stepped up to build a new policy system for agricultural subsidies, according to the document, which said the country would formulate and improve agriculture support and protection policies following principles that comply with World Trade Organization rules, protect farmers' interests and support agricultural development.
The document also covered policies to improve the rural governance mechanism to maintain rural harmony and stability, strengthen rural primary-level Party organizations, and enhance Party leadership on agricultural and rural affairs.