铁路部门全面推行“候补购票”服务 再也不愁抢不到票了
中国日报网 2019-05-23 11:32


Starting from May 22, the waitlist function previously trialed on some rail routes will be available to all passenger trains in China.
候补购票服务(waitlist function)是指在通过12306网站和APP购票时,如遇所需车次、席别无票(when the desired ticket is sold out),可自愿按日期、车次、席别、预付款提交购票需求(submit a ticket order and pay in advance),售票系统自动排队候补(the system will put the order in a waiting list),当对应的车次、席别有退票时,系统自动兑现车票(should there be ticket cancellation that matches your order, the system will automatically confirm it),并将购票结果通知购票人。


每位用户可提交1个候补订单(each user can only submit one order in the waiting list),每笔候补订单中乘车人不超过3人。1个订单中可添加发到站相同(可以是同城的不同车站)的2个相邻的乘车日期,每个乘车日期可添加2个不同“车次+席别”的组合需求。
Users will have to prepay the maximum price for the waitlisted tickets, and once their tickets are confirmed, the price difference will be refunded if there is any. If they failed to get tickets, the system will give them a full refund.
折扣票 discounted ticket
列车时刻表 train schedules
实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing
梯次退票方案 tiered ticket refund policy
车票改签 change a ticket
补票 pay for ticket extension
抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in
买短乘长 boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations
电子票 e-ticket
囤票 hoard tickets
倒票 ticket scalping
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)