中国日报网 2019-06-01 10:05

违法收集个人信息 illegally collecting personal information
Illegal behaviors include failing to remind users to read privacy policies when they install or use the apps, and collecting personal information for illegitimate purposes.
没有公开收集使用规则(failing to publicly display rules of information collection and use),
没有明示收集使用个人信息的目的、方式和范围(failing to clarify the purpose, method and scope of personal information collection),
未经同意收集使用个人信息(collecting personal information without the users' consent),
违反必要性原则收集与其提供的服务无关的个人信息(collecting personal information that is not related to the functioning of the app),
未经同意向他人提供个人信息(providing users' personal information to others without the users' consent),
未按法律规定提供删除或更正个人信息功能(failing to provide features of deleting or modifying personal information),
侵犯未成年人在网络空间合法权益(infringing legal rights and interests of minors in cyberspace)。
App收集使用信息的目的违反合法、正当、必要原则,如仅仅以改善程序功能、提高用户体验、定向推送等为目的收集用户个人信息(collecting personal information only for the purpose of improving app functions and user experience, and targeted push);
在申请可收集个人信息的权限时,未告知收集使用的目的(failing to clarify the purpose of information collection while asking for users' authorization),如在申请调阅通讯录时没有说明原因;
每次要求用户提供个人敏感信息时,如身份证号、银行卡号等,未同步实时说明原因等也都将视为违法违规行为(failing to specify why they are asking users for sensitive information, such as an ID number or credit card number)。
国家生态文明试验区 National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone
The Implementation Plan for the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone (Hainan) vows to bring about a new pattern of harmonious coexistence of man and nature in China's modernization drive and write a chapter of Hainan for building a Beautiful China.
方案提出的战略定位是,将海南打造成生态文明体制改革样板区(model zone for institutional reform of ecological progress)、陆海统筹保护发展实践区(area for coordinated land and marine development)、生态价值实现机制试验区(pilot zone for ecological value realization mechanism)及清洁能源优先发展示范区(demonstration zone for prioritized development of clean energy)。

By 2020, significant progress will have been made in the building of the pilot zone in Hainan, where the proportion of days with good air quality in cities remains above 98 percent, and the annual average concentration of fine particulate matter, or PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter), are not higher than 18 micrograms per cubic meter, according to the document.
Energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product will decrease by 10 percent compared with 2015, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross regional product will decrease by 12 percent compared with 2015, it adds.
The plan foresees that by 2035, the environmental quality and the resource utilization efficiency will be of world leading level in the pilot zone.
非正常营销手段 abnormal promotion methods
WeChat announced Monday that it will crack down on “abnormal promotion methods,” including vendors who ask users to share or advertise their goods on the platform in exchange for discounts or other incentives.
Crack down on这个短语在新闻报道中很常见,一般表示“打击、治理”等意思,比如:crack down on organized crime(打击有组织犯罪)、 crack down on illegal guns(打击非法枪支)等;如果表示“打击”这个行为则可以用名词形式crackdown,比如: organized crime crackdown或者crackdown on organized crime。
微信发布公告称,近期某些公众号、应用软件等主体通过返学费(cash rewards)、送实物(in-kind rewards)等方式,利诱微信用户分享其链接(包括二维码图片等)到朋友圈打卡(entice users to share promotional links on their WeChat Moments)。
包括但不限于停止链接内容在朋友圈继续传播、停止对相关域名或IP地址进行访问(deny access to related domain names or IP addresses),封禁相关开放平台账号或应用的分享接口(block sharing interfaces of related accounts or apps);
对重复多次违规及对抗行为的违规主体,将采取阶梯式处理机制,包括但不限于下调每日分享限额(decrease daily sharing quota)、限制使用微信登录功能接口(restrict access to WeChat login interface)、永久封禁账号、域名、IP地址或分享接口(permanently block accounts, domain names, IP addresses or sharing interfaces);
对涉嫌使用微信外挂并通过微信群实施诱导用户分享的个人账号(personal accounts that entice users to share in WeChat groups),将根据违规严重程度对该微信账号进行阶梯式处罚。
不文明乘车行为 uncivil behaviors
According to the regulations, passengers except for infants and those with medical conditions will not be allowed to eat or drink on the subway.

根据上述文件,在地铁车厢内进食属不文明乘车行为,如劝阻制止不听,地铁运营单位有权拒绝提供乘车服务(violators who refuse to stop such behavior despite dissuasion will be denied boarding)。交通执法部门可将这种行为纳入个人信用不良信息(such behavior will be recorded in personal credit system)。
采取违规进出闸机、伪造变造票卡等方式逃交票款(fare dodging);
在列车车厢内一人占用多个座位(one person occupying multiple seats);
推销产品或从事营销活动(marketing activities);
大声外放视频或音乐(playing videos or music without wearing headphones)。
值得注意的是,因不文明乘车行为(uncivil behaviors)记录个人信用不良信息的行为人,可以通过主动参加轨道交通志愿服务进行不良信息修复(wrongdoers can apply to correct the credit record by volunteering in rail transit services)。
此外,个人认为信用不良信息有误的,也可以向市交通执法部门申请个人信用不良信息复核(apply to review the record),市交通执法部门将进行核查并作出处理。
押金退还 deposit refund
The regulation is designed to prevent risk to users' money, strengthen protection of their rights and interests, and promote the healthy and stable development of emerging forms of transportation, the Transport Ministry said in a statement.
该办法所称交通运输新业态(emerging forms of transportation)包括网络预约出租汽车(online taxi-hailing)、汽车分时租赁(俗称“共享汽车” car sharing)和互联网租赁自行车(俗称“共享单车” bike sharing)等。自2019年6月1日起实施。
Emerging在这里表示“新兴的,新出现的”,与我们此前见过的emerging industry(新兴产业)、emerging countries(新兴国家)等用法一致。这个词的动词形式emerge除了表示“显露、出现”的意思之外,还可以表示“(从困境或不好的经历中)摆脱出来,熬出来”,比如:There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession.(有越来越多的证据表明经济终于开始摆脱萧条。)
管理办法要求,运营企业原则上不收取用户押金,确有必要收取的,应当基于协议(any deposits should be based on agreements),提供运营企业专用存款账户(special deposit account)和用户个人银行结算账户(personal settlement account)两种资金存管方式,供用户选择。用户押金归用户所有,运营企业不得挪用(companies may not misappropriate deposit funds)。
在押金数额上,管理办法要求汽车分时租赁的单份押金金额不得超过运营企业投入运营车辆平均单车成本价格的2%(a deposit no more than 2% of the average cost of a car);互联网租赁自行车的单份押金金额不得超过运营企业投入运营车辆平均单车成本价格的10%(a deposit no more than 10% of the average cost of a single bike)。
管理办法明确了押金最长退还期限(the maximum period for deposit refund)。汽车分时租赁、互联网租赁自行车押金最长退款周期分别不超过15个工作日、 2个工作日。
为保障用户权益,管理办法规定,对符合约定预付资金退还条件的(eligible refund applications),运营企业不得拒绝、拖延退还(companies should not refuse or delay refunding)。