中国日报网 2019-08-01 09:40

汛期 flooding season
Since the flooding season began in June, southern provinces have received seven rounds of heavy downpours with average precipitation of about 476 mm, up 51 percent compared to the same period in previous years, according to the National Meteorological Center.
在英文报道中,讲到“降雨”时通常会出现rain、drizzle、downpour、shower等词汇。其中,rain是“雨”的总称,我们通过在这个词的前面添加不同的形容词来表示不同程度的降雨,比如:heavy rain(大雨)、light rain(小雨)、中雨(moderate rain)、暴雨(torrential rain)、大暴雨(downpour)、特大暴雨(heavy downpour)。

For the next five days, there will be two more rounds of heavy rain in South China, especially in Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces, with an accumulated precipitation of 100 to 200 millimeters.
Firemen and rescue workers transfer people trapped in floodwaters in Yichun, East China's Jiangxi province, on July 9, 2019. [Photo by Xu Tao/For chinadaily.com.cn]
Following the recent heavy rainfall, two heavy floods occurred in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and the current flow in the Lanzhou section of the main stream has exceeded the warning level.
The Xijiang River in the Pearl River basin saw the first flood this year.
Floods exceeding alarms occurred in rivers around Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
The section from Jiujiang to Poyang Lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River will exceed the alarm level Friday, which will be the first time for the water level in the main stream of the Yangtze River to exceed the alarm level in this year's flood season, according to the ministry.
The ministry's yellow alert for floods targets Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui and Jiangsu.
放开落户限制 relaxing residency curbs
China has introduced a slew of measures to boost the employment prospects of graduates in the country, including relaxing residency curbs, promoting multi-channel employment and facilitating the establishment of startups.
Residency curbs on the settlement of college graduates, vocational college graduates, and graduates from overseas institutions will be fully relaxed at provincial capitals and other cities. The household registration process for graduates will be further simplified.
Personnel in grassroots service projects who have passed the assessment of the grassroots units below the county level in remote areas can be selected and hired in the township institutions.
Small and micro enterprises that hire people who have been unemployed for two years after college graduation will be provided with social insurance subsidies, according to the regulation.
The country will strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship, relax the conditions for applying for start-up loans, and encourage graduates to return to their hometowns to start their own businesses.
The country will help arrange internship placements for college graduates and unemployed young people who need internship opportunities. Other subsidies will cover qualified graduates in secondary vocational schools, technical schools included.
夜间经济 nighttime economy
The nighttime economy refers to business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sector. Many other Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Tianjin, have introduced plans to boost their nighttime economy.

By the end of 2021, a bunch of nighttime landmarks, business districts and living areas will be set up throughout the capital, which is expected to be featured as part of a world-renowned "Night Capital" consumer brand.
首批4个“夜京城”地标(nighttime landmarks)分别为前门和大栅栏、三里屯、国贸、五棵松。
首批“夜京城”商圈(nighttime business districts)位于蓝色港湾、世贸天阶、簋街、合生汇、郎园、食宝街、荟聚、中粮·祥云小镇、奥林匹克公园等。
首批“夜京城”生活圈(nighttime living areas)在上地、五道口、常营、方庄、鲁谷、梨园、永顺、回龙观、天通苑等区域。
Late-night canteens along major subway lines will be further developed, and the 24-hour convenience stores, bookstores and movie theaters in the capital's urban and rural districts will be expanded to spur the nighttime economy.
Some scenic spots in the capital will extend their opening times by one to two hours, according to the plan. A series of nighttime performances will also be carried out in famous tourist attractions, such as the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Olympic Forest Park.
Beijing will extend operations of metro line 1 and line 2 for an extra one hour and 1.5 hours respectively, with the last trains departing after 12:30 am, according to the plan.
校外线上培训机构 online after-school training institutions
China will carry out a comprehensive inspection on all online after-school training institutions and set up records on the institutions, their training content and teacher credentials by the end of this year as part of its oversight of the rapidly expanding industry, the Ministry of Education said on Monday.

Online training providers shall not offer courses beyond the official syllabus for elementary and secondary schools, while the courses shall remain proportionate to students' grades and individual competence, according to the guidelines.
To enable verification, the training content and data are asked to be kept for at least one year, while the livestreaming courses should be kept for no less than six months.
The duration of each online training session shall not exceed 40 minutes and the interval between two sessions should not be less than 10 minutes.
In addition, it requires live broadcast lessons for mainland students in compulsory education to be completed no later than 9 pm.
Teachers employed by online educational institutions should not be in-service teachers from primary and secondary schools but must hold corresponding teachers' qualifications, according to the guidelines.
Foreign teachers recruited by the after-school training institutions should comply with relevant national regulations, it says, adding that institutions must publicize information on their foreign teachers, including names, photos, teaching credentials, learning, work and teaching experience as well as teachers' qualifications.
Online training institutions should not charge fees for more than three months or 60 classes ahead of training, and training fees should not be used for other investment, the guideline said.
经排查发现问题的校外线上培训机构应当按整改意见进行整改(rectify their problems),于2020年6月底前完成整改并重新提交相关材料。
省级教育行政部门要联合网信、电信、公安等部门对逾期未完成整改或整改不到位的校外线上培训机构进行查处,视情节暂停或停止培训平台运营(operation suspended or closed)、下架培训应用(apps removed)、关闭微信公众号(小程序)、依法进行经济处罚等。
邮政编码 postal code
When the new postal code system is complete, every Chinese citizen will be able to establish a unique "personal address ID" under unified coding rules.
据介绍,“新型邮编”(new postal code system)项目基于国家重点研发计划“全球位置框架与编码系统(global positioning frame and coding systems)”,将地球空间(或地球表面)剖分成体积(面积)形状相似、既无缝隙也不重叠的多层次离散网格(split the terrestrial space into nonoverlapping and seamless multilayer grids similar in size and shape),剖分的网格都具有唯一编码,该编码具有多尺度、可标识、可定位、可索引、可计算、自动空间关联等特点(the code is multidimensional and can be tagged, positioned, searched, computed and used in automatic spacial association)。
我国于1974年开始研制邮政编码(post code/postal code),经过5年左右的时间,拟定出“全国邮政编码试行方案”,并于1978年在辽宁、上海、江苏等省市进行试点。1980年7月1日,我国推出了全国统一使用的邮政编码,开始正式在全国宣传推行。
我国的邮政编码采用四级六位数编码结构(six-digit coding rule)。前两位数字表示省(直辖市、自治区);前三位数字表示邮区;前四位数字表示县(市);最后两位数字表示投递局(所)。
新的邮编系统建成之后,国家邮政局可建立居民个人寄递地址编码管理公共平台,居民可自行在平台上通过身份证信息注册,获得与身份证绑定的个人地址库(individuals can register and establish their own address libraries)。
To deliver a parcel, the sender can select the desired mailing address and send the corresponding code to the courier, who can begin mailing items after typing the code into the system.
每个快递包裹也将有属于自己的ID,该ID可关联所有与包裹相关的信息,包括快递员信息、运送信息、配送信息(information on the courier, shipment and delivery)等。
个人破产 personal bankruptcy
The country will promote the establishment of a bankruptcy system for insolvent individuals in a step-by-step way, according to the new reform plan released by the National Development and Reform Commission and 12 other central government agencies.
个人破产(personal bankruptcy),是指作为债务人的自然人不能清偿其到期债务时,由法院依法宣告其破产(an insolvent individual is declared bankrupt by the court),并对其财产进行清算和分配或者进行债务调整(have their property liquidated, distributed or debt adjusted),对其债务进行豁免(exempted from the liability the individual is unable to pay back)以及确定当事人在破产过程中的权利义务关系的法律规范。
《方案》明确,对符合破产等退出条件的国有企业,各相关方不得以任何方式阻碍其退出,防止形成“僵尸企业”(zombie companies)。不得通过违规提供政府补贴、贷款(illegal government subsidies or loans)等方式维系“僵尸企业”生存,有效解决国有“僵尸企业”不愿退出的问题。国有企业退出时(in case of SOEs' exit),金融机构等债权人不得要求政府承担超出出资额之外的债务清偿责任。
发改委将研究建立个人破产制度(personal bankruptcy system),重点解决企业破产产生的自然人连带责任担保债务问题(resolving the joint liabilities arising from corporate bankruptcy)。明确自然人因担保等原因而承担与生产经营活动相关的负债可依法合理免责。逐步推进建立自然人符合条件的消费负债可依法合理免责(promoting reasonable liability exemptions for individuals),最终建立全面的个人破产制度。
Not every personal bankruptcy application will be approved and applying for bankruptcy is not a shelter for those trying to avoid paying their debts, said Xu.
To get the debt liability exemption, the debtor has to repay part of the debt as a condition and the debtor's economic life will be restricted for about three to five years after the end of bankruptcy proceedings, Xu said.