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中国日报网 2019-06-01 10:05





夜间经济 nighttime economy

Nighttime consumption in Beijing during the four-day May Day holiday has been on the rise, as the capital continues to drive economic growth with what it calls "nighttime economy."

所谓“夜间经济(nighttime economy)”一般指从当日下午6点到次日凌晨6点所发生的服务业方面的商务活动(business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sector),其业态囊括晚间购物、餐饮、旅游、娱乐、学习、影视、休闲等。

2019年北京两会期间,北京市政府在部署2019年主要任务时提出,将在今年出台繁荣夜间经济促消费政策(policies encouraging nighttime consumption),鼓励重点街区及商场、超市、便利店适当延长营业时间。

Restaurant consumption in mall-clustered Wangfujing, Sanlitun and Qingnianlu surged 51.3 percent during the nighttime hours compared with the same period last year.

买短乘长 boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations

Many passengers complained on China's social media platforms that they had bought tickets in advance, but were denied boarding by railway staff because of overloading-the result of some passengers buying short distance tickets but refusing to get off at their corresponding destinations.


“买短乘长(boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations)”本来是铁路部门为满足部分乘客临时变更到站的需要而提供的应急便利措施,这一类乘客可以在途中找列车员办理补票手续(pay to extend their tickets)。



The railway will decide whether to allow passengers to purchase extension tickets after boarding based on the current passenger numbers and the number of pre-sold tickets for the next station.

Passengers who insist on staying aboard but fail to pay for the extended trip will be charged an extra 50 percent of the extension ticket price upon arrival.

报废机动车 scrap vehicles

The circular, targeting vehicles that should be scrapped according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety, is aimed at protecting the environment, boosting development of the recycling economy, and ensuring safe transportation.

这里的“报废机动车(scrap vehicles)”不仅包括汽车,还包括上路行驶的挂车(trailers)、摩托车(motorcycles)和轮式专用机械车(wheeled machinery for special purposes)。


Scrap这个词基本的意思就是“废弃、取消、残余”,可以用作动词、名词及形容词,用法很灵活,比如,a scrap of paper指“一个小纸片”,而scrap paper则是“废纸”。在表示“报废机动车”的时候,scrap vehicles 或者scrapped vehicles都可以,只不过scrap vehicles这个说法用得更多一些。

办法规定,拆解的报废机动车发动机(engines)、方向机(steering wheels)、变速器(transmissions)、前后桥(front and rear axles)、车架(frames)等“五大总成”具备再制造条件的(suitable for remanufacturing),可以按照国家有关规定出售给具备再制造能力的企业予以循环利用;同时建立有效的安全管理制度,要求回收企业如实记录报废机动车“五大总成”等主要部件的数量、型号、流向等信息(record number, model and whereabouts about the five main parts)并上传至回收信息系统,做到来源可查、去向可追(to make sure everything is traceable)。

拆解的报废机动车“五大总成”以外的零部件符合保障人身和财产安全等强制性国家标准,能够继续使用的,可以出售,但应当标明“报废机动车回用件(recycled parts from scrap vehicles)”。

Recycled scrap vehicles should be dismantled as stipulated. Large coaches, vans, and school buses should be disassembled under the supervision of public security agencies.

移动支付 mobile payment

China's mobile payment index was 197.84 in 2018 and the scale of China's digital economy reached 31.3 trillion yuan in the same year, accounting for 34.8 percent of the county's GDP. Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing are the top three cities for robust development of mobile payment in China, according to the report.


Account for在这里表示“(在数量、比例上)占”,后面一般会跟表示占比的数字或者描述性表达,比如:They account for less than five percent of the population.(他们在总人口中的比例不到5%。)另外,account for还可以表示“对...负责;对...作出说明(解释)”,比如:The president must account for his government's reforms.(总统必须为他的政府改革负责。)I couldn't account for the loss.(这次失利,我没法解释。)

在一些新闻报道中,我们经常会看到“At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for”这样的表达,在这里,unaccounted for就是“下落不明”的意思。


中国移动支付发展指数(China's mobile payment index)由国家信息中心、中国经济信息社及蚂蚁金融服务集团联合编制,从信息化基础(digital infrastructure)、商业消费(business consumption)和政务民生支付(payments related to government affairs and people's livelihoods)三个维度测度移动支付与城市竞争力的互促关系,为引领城市发展转型,提升城市治理能力提供了参考路径。

According to the report, the top 10 cities in terms of the 2018 mobile payment index are Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wenzhou and Nanjing.

报告指出,我国移动支付发展水平呈现东高西低的阶梯状分布,一线城市领跑态势明显,移动支付十强城市集中分布在京津冀、长三角、珠三角三大经济区域内(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta economic hubs)。

报告认为,随着应用场景不断丰富,移动支付已成为推动经济社会发展的重要力量(an important driving force for social economic development)。移动支付不仅改造了传统消费形态,而且催生了新的商业模式和产业链条(generate new business models and industry chains)。同时,移动支付为信用社会建设提供了广阔的天然土壤,为弥合区域发展差距提供了有效的抓手。

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