中国日报网 2019-08-01 09:40

留学生 international students
The Ministry of Education will ask universities to adopt similar standards for all students, foreign and Chinese, in teaching, exam requirements, education resources and services, said an official from the ministry's department of international cooperation and exchanges.
离开自己所在的国家去其他国家和地区的学校学习深造的所有学生统称为international students(国际学生/留学生),对于本国的学生来说,从其他国家来我国学习的学生就是foreign students,而离开我们国家去外国学习的学生则是overseas students,学成回国的“海归”就是overseas returnees。这几年很流行的“出国游学”就是overseas study tour。

China has signed official education exchange agreements with more than 180 countries, under which both sides can send students to each other's countries for further study, the ministry said.
In 2018, the country welcomed 492,000 international students from 196 countries and regions to study at 1,004 universities and research institutes across the country, it said.
The ministry said 63,000 international students were funded by Chinese government scholarships last year, accounting for just 12.8 percent of the foreign students in China. Moreover, 70 percent of those receiving scholarships were pursuing master's or doctoral degrees.
The ministry punished 18 universities for irregularities in international student admission, certificate issuance for visa applications and on-campus management. Sixteen institutions were suspended to enroll foreign students last year, it said.
Universities should also teach international students relevant laws and regulations in China, and students who violate those laws and regulations or commit crimes will be dealt with seriously, the official said.
电子烟 electronic cigarettes
China is planning to establish legislation to supervise electronic cigarettes as part of overall tobacco control efforts as use of the products increases among the youth, the National Health Commission said on Monday.
目前主流的电子烟(electronic cigarettes/e-cigarettes)大部分都是通过一个雾化器(vaporator)将包含丙二醇、植物甘油、调味香料和尼古丁等成分的烟油变成蒸汽,模拟吸烟时产生类似烟雾。
电子烟产生的气溶胶含有许多有毒有害的物质(toxic substances),电子烟中的各种添加剂成分(additives)也存在着健康风险(health risk)。另外,许多电子烟产品所含的尼古丁浓度标识模糊(nicotine concentration claim on the label is vague),容易导致使用者吸食过量。
同时,电子烟的器具还存在着电池爆炸(battery explosion)、烟液渗透(tobacco juice leak)、高温烫伤(scald burn risk)等安全风险。
About 0.9 percent of people in China were e-cigarette users last year-compared with 0.5 percent in 2015-according to a survey released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in May, which was based on nearly 20,000 people across China. The number of e-cigarette users in China who are 15 years or older is estimated at 10 million, the center said.
"To reduce tobacco prevalence, we must prevent adolescents from trying tobacco. But e-cigarettes can easily lure youngsters and turn them into users of traditional tobacco later," Mao said.
It is necessary to intensify supervision over e-cigarettes. The National Heath Commission is working with other related departments conducting research on e-cigarette supervision and planning to put it under supervision through legislative means.
Over 80 percent of China's population will be under smoke-free legal protection as of 2030.
Party and government branches at all levels will become smoking-free by 2020, and smoking will get gradually banned throughout indoor public spaces, workplaces and public transport.
取景地旅游 set-jetting
Popular TV drama The Longest Day in Chang'an, which was shot in the ancient Chinese city of Xi'an in Shaanxi province, has made the city a tourist hot spot.

In the first week of this month, online enquiries about flight ticket bookings to Xi'an recorded a 130-percent year-on-year spike, said Ctrip, China's largest online travel agency.
Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies or TV series. For instance, touring London in a high-speed boat like James Bond, or visiting the stately homes that are seen in the Jane Austen films. The term was first coined in the US press in the New York Post by journalist Gretchen Kelly.
Many countries – among them, Croatia, Spain, Northern Ireland, Iceland and Morocco – are all benefiting from the ultra popular Game of Thrones series. National and international travel agencies join countless online outfits in offering Game of Thrones trips and tours of all lengths and prices.
Suzhou, Chongqing and Bayanbulak Grassland have also become go-to destinations for domestic tourists as films such as Pegasus and TV dramas such as All Is Well were set or shot there.
平台经济 platform economy
At its executive meeting on Wednesday, the State Council decided to introduce another basket of measures to beef up growth of the platform economy, including steps to scrap restrictions on private sector access, and others to improve the business environment.
平台经济(platform economy)是指一种虚拟或真实的交易场所(virtual or real marketplace),平台本身不生产产品,但可以促成双方或多方供求之间的交易(matching demand with supply),收取恰当的费用或赚取差价而获得收益的一种商业模式。平台经济的核心是利用互联网来实现诸如供需匹配、送货、支付、反馈以及对产品和服务供应商进行监督等功能(use the internet to provide common functions such as matching demand with supply, delivery, payment, feedback and supervision of the parties providing a product or service)。平台经济不受地理界限和商业模式的限制(not restricted by geographical boundaries and business models),可以实现资源的优化配置、有效融合及集约化利用(optimal allocation, effective integration and intensive use of resources)。

The total market value of China's top 20 internet platform businesses, including Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu, exceeded $1.38 trillion by the end of last year, according to a report by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.
顺应群众需要发展“互联网+服务业”(promote the development of the Internet Plus service industry),支持社会资本进入医疗健康、教育、养老家政、旅游、体育等服务领域(private businesses will be encouraged to invest in sectors such as medical care, education, nursing, domestic services and sports),提供更多优质高效的便民服务。
二要优化发展环境(improve the business environment)。
推进登记注册便利化,放宽新兴行业企业名称登记限制,简化平台企业分支机构设立手续(make business registration easier and simpler procedures for setting up branches)。
三要按照包容审慎要求,创新监管方式,探索适应新业态特点、有利于公平竞争的公正监管办法,推进“互联网+监管”(Internet Plus supervision)。
新时代的中国国防 China's National Defense in the New Era
China on Wednesday issued a white paper to expound on its defensive national defense policy in the new era and explain the practice, purposes and significance of China's efforts to build a fortified national defense and a strong military. Titled "China's National Defense in the New Era," the white paper was released by the State Council Information Office, with a view to helping the international community better understand China's national defense.