中国日报网 2019-08-13 15:12


The suit was brought by a junior, surnamed Wang, from East China University of Political Science and Law after she was told by park security to either throw away the snacks she had brought in her backpack or finish them. In order to get into the park, she finished some snacks and discarded the rest, following a series of failed attempts to resist, including oral disputes with security and phone calls to the police and to the municipal's official complaint hotlines, according to thePaper.cn.
小王认为迪士尼乐园制定的规则侵犯了自身合法权益,提起诉讼,向法院提出了两点诉讼请求: 一、确认上海迪士尼乐园禁止游客携带食品入园的格式条款无效(overturn the no-outside-food-and-drink policy);二、要求上海迪士尼乐园赔偿原告损失(compensate her loss),包括原告在迪士尼乐园外购买却因被告不合理规则而被迫丢弃的食品费用,共计46.3元。
最终,浦东法院以“服务合同纠纷(service contract dispute)”为案由立案。4月23日,该案第一次开庭审理。

小王及其同学小杨、小张、小魏向记者表示,“之前最高院表示过餐饮行业禁止自带酒水食物是霸王条款(imparity clause),实践中也有法院判决过电影院禁止自带食物的条款无效,我们认为迪士尼的规定与之相似,侵犯了消费者的权益(infringe consumer rights and interests)。很多人可能也感到自己的权益受到了侵犯,但是由于时间成本等问题而没有去起诉,而我们作为法学生,‘较劲’是我们的‘天职’。”
上海迪士尼乐园的管理方上海迪士尼度假区11日回应称,上海迪士尼乐园关于外带食品与饮料入园的规定与中国的大部分主题乐园一致( the "no outside food and beverage" rule is consistent with many other theme parks across China)。若游客自己携带食品或饮料,欢迎游客在乐园外的休息区域享用(guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and beverages outside the park)。
2017年11月15日,上海迪士尼乐园在乐园须知一栏新增规定,“食品(food);酒精饮料(alcoholic beverages);超过 600 毫升的非酒精饮料(nonalcoholic beverages over 600 milliliters)。建议游客在入园前享用完携带的上述食品及非酒精饮料。”

Globally, three out of the six Disneyland parks are open to food and drinks from beyond its services, while the three in Asia - Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai - carry a no-outside-food-and-drink policy.

Although Shanghai Disney claims the food ban is due to hygiene reasons, that did not stop Chinese net users from speculating that Disney is applying double standards in Asia and forcing tourists to buy their food.

Some argue that the food and beverages supplied within the park are overpriced, making the motivation behind the policy appear dubious.

"Disney has infringed on tourists' right of choice. As a US company, it is improper to apply a double standard on Asian countries," Liu Junhai, a business law professor at Renmin University of China in Beijing told the Global Times on Sunday.
主题公园 theme park
入场券/门票 admission tickets
游乐园 amusement park
旋转木马 merry-go-round
过山车 roller coaster
摩天轮 ferris wheel
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)