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The hotel of mum and dad 回家住 “爸妈旅馆”


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许多英国年轻人选择 “回巢”,与父母同住。回到家中,他们享受着家庭的舒适生活——做好的饭菜,满满当当的冰箱,干净整洁的房间,甚至日用水电杂费账单也由父母买单。但正如本期 “随身英语” 中介绍的,回家住 “爸妈旅馆” 是有代价的。

Vocabulary: home 词汇:家

There’s no place like home’ This English saying has much truth in it: the best place to be is surrounded by our treasured possessions and our loved ones and with a roof over our head. And for many young adults, it’s the only affordable place to stay; somewhere where they can receive first-class service from mum and dad. But this comes at a price!

In some countries, it’s quite traditional for people in their late teens and early 20s to live at home with their parents, but in other places, flying the nest to start their own independent life is very desirable. There is no nagging, and you can come and go as you wish. But there’s been a growing trend, in the UK at least, for young people to return home to live - or not to leave home at all. According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, about a quarter of young adults aged 20-34 live at home, and that figure has been growing.

A survey by a price comparison website found that 18% of adult children in the UK said they were moving back home because of debt, compared with 8% last year. More young people had lost their jobs, and others couldn’t afford their rent compared with the previous year. So, it’s easy to see why they’re increasingly becoming home birds.

The BBC’s Lucy Hooker explains that many returning adult children enjoy home comforts. These include cooked meals, a full fridge and cleaning, as well as their bills being covered by what is commonly called ‘the hotel of mum and dad’. But for the ‘hoteliers’, that’s mum and dad, the survey found the average cost to them has gone up sharply, and that they are sacrificing luxuries and holidays to look after their ‘big kids’. Emma Craig from Moneysupermarket says “they're trying to look after their children more. If your child comes home and you see them struggling financially, you feel more awkward asking them for rent or to contribute. It tugs on your heartstrings more.”

With parents splashing out around £1,886 on takeaway food, buying new furniture and upgrading their Wi-Fi for the benefit of their offspring, it’s easy for the returning children to put their feet up and make themselves at home. That’s before they learn a home truth – that one day it might be their own kids who’ll be checking into the hotel of mum and dad!


there’s no place like home 没有比家更温暖的地方,没有一个地方比得上家
possession 个人物品,财产
loved one 亲人
a roof over our head 住处
fly the nest 离开父母独立生活
nagging 唠叨,指责
rent 房租
home bird 喜欢住在家里的人
home comforts 家庭的温暖
bill (水、电、煤气、网络等费用)账单
the hotel of mum and dad “爸妈旅馆”,在父母家中居住
hotelier 旅馆、酒店老板(在此文中指父母)
tug on your heartstrings 牵动你的心弦
splash out 花大笔的钱
furniture 家具
offspring 后代,子女
put one’s feet up 休息
make oneself at home 放松,享受
home truth 令人不愉快的事情


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What percentage of young adults now live at home in the UK?

2. Give one reason that’s making young people return home to live.

3. True or false? Young people are sacrificing their holidays to live at home.

4. What are parents spending £1,886 on?

5. Which word used in the article means ‘difficult or embarrassing’?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。

1. Mum was very upset when her daughter decided to _______ and move in with her boyfriend.

fly the nesting             flew the nest fly            the nest flying                            the nest

2. To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re _______ on an amazing holiday this year.

putting our feet up      splashing out                making ourselves at home         hoteliers

3. Neil is a bit of a _______ - he never wants to go out and would rather stay at home watching TV.

home truth                 home bird                       home comfort                           loved one

4. My girlfriend keeps _______ me about getting married – I guess I’ll give in eventually!

nag                            nagged                            nags                                        nagging

5. After a hard day of shopping I like to get home, _______ and have a nice cup of tea!

put my feet up           make myself at home      home comforts                       fly the nest


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。  

1. What percentage of young adults now live at home in the UK?
According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, about a quarter of young adults aged 20-34 live at home.

2. Give one reason that’s making young people return home to live.
A survey found that debt, becoming unemployed or not being able to afford to pay for rent are reasons that for young people returning home to live.

3. True or false? Young people are sacrificing their holidays to live at home.
False. It is mum and dad who are sacrificing luxuries such as holidays, to pay for looking after their grown-up children.

4. What are parents spending £1,886 on?
Parents spending (or splashing out) around £1,886 on takeaway food, buying new furniture and upgrading their Wi-Fi for the benefit of their children.

5. Which word used in the article means ‘difficult or embarrassing’?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。 

1. Mum was very upset when her daughter decided to fly the nest and move in with her boyfriend.

2. To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re splashing out on an amazing holiday this year.

3. Neil is a bit of a home bird - he never wants to go out and would rather stay at home watching TV.

4. My girlfriend keeps nagging me about getting married – I guess I’ll give in eventually!

5. After a hard day of shopping I like to get home, put my feet up and have a nice cup of tea!




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