盘点世界上12个国家的护肤妙招 再不学起来就老了 12 of the best skin-care tips from around the world
中国日报网 2020-01-06 09:11


People in countries like Denmark, Finland, and Norway tend to look at beauty as deeper than what you put on your skin.
Dr. Miguel Stanley of the White Clinic, an anti-aging clinic in Europe, told Elle: "My experience is that Scandinavian women have found balance in all the important aspects of health: what to eat, how to exercise, what to apply to their skin, and last but not least, how to live a happy life. Balance is key, and if balance is disturbed, then the largest organ of the body, the skin, will show visible signs."
欧洲抗衰老诊所White Clinic的米格尔·斯坦利医生告诉《ELLE》杂志说:“根据我的经历,斯堪的纳维亚女性已经在健康的所有重要方面都找到了平衡:吃什么、怎么锻炼、用什么护肤品,最后也同样重要的是,如何快乐地生活。平衡是关键,如果平衡被打乱了,那么身体最大的器官——皮肤就会表现出明显的迹象。”

People in Israel often take advantage of one of the country's natural wonders to really take care of their skin.
Shally Zucker, a Tel Aviv makeup artist, told Women's Health that many Israeli people use Dead Sea mud all the time. Zucker said, "It's loaded with nourishing minerals. Women cover their bodies with the black mud, then float in the salty water, or they scoop the mud into a jar and use it at home."

South Korea is at the forefront of all things skin care shown by the increasing popularity of K-beauty.
Many people in South Korea follow lengthy beauty routines, such as this 10-step routine, which is often considered basic maintenance in South Korea. The routine includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, treating, and sun protection.
exfoliate[ɛks'folɪet]: v. 去角质