盘点世界上12个国家的护肤妙招 再不学起来就老了 12 of the best skin-care tips from around the world
中国日报网 2020-01-06 09:11


In Brazil, expensive skin-care treatments seem to be common. Brazilian dermatologist Patricia Rittes told Refinery29 that her patients like full body treatments like body contouring, as well as hyaluronic acid injections for skin irregularities and Lipotropic treatments for undesirable fat.
Another thing to note about Brazilian skin care is that many Brazilians swear by their dermatologist. According to Victoria Ceridono, the beauty editor of Vogue Brazil, dermatologists give patients "recipes with a specific formula that you can take to the pharmacy and they mix it there."
hyaluronic acid: 透明质酸;玻尿酸

In Nigeria, many people turn toward natural, moisturizing products when treating their skin.
Dara Oke, a blogger based out of Lagos, Nigeria, told Byrdie, "Black soap and raw shea butters have been long-held beauty staples in sub-Saharan Africa, and you'll definitely find me constantly stocking up on these."
shea butter: 乳木果

Sweden can get incredibly cold in the winter, so it's often the case that the people there have to work hard to keep their skin hydrated and happy.
Whether they have a sauna in their house or are visiting a traditional Swedish sauna elsewhere, many Swedes turn to saunas as a way to stay healthy.
Swedish model Karin Agstam told Byrdie, "Before I go to bed, I love to take a steam or a sauna to prepare for a good night's rest and rejuvenation." She continued, "I grew up with a sauna in my house, so I'm used to doing it every day — it's one of my must-do routines."
rejuvenation[rɪ,dʒʊvə'neʃən]: n. 回春,返老还童;复壮,恢复活力