盘点世界上12个国家的护肤妙招 再不学起来就老了 12 of the best skin-care tips from around the world
中国日报网 2020-01-06 09:11


Italians have an admirable attitude towards beauty. Italian model Mitzi Peirone told Byrdie, "I think that overall the greatest difference between American and Italian beauty is that American women might go for what makes them look good, but Italian women go for what makes them feel good."
On top of that, many Italians are invested in having smooth skin. Because of this, many Italians tend to moisturize constantly. They use heavier, richer moisturizer, and are even known for sometimes incorporating olive oil into their skin-care routine.

If you want to try a cleansing routine that's popular in China, try washing your face using the water leftover from rinsing rice.
According to China Daily, this beauty secret has been around since as early as the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and is still used today.

Turmeric is a spice that's become wildly popular over the past years for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In Indonesia, many people also use turmeric in their skin-care routines.
Metta Murdaya, co-owner of Indonesia-based brand JUARA, told Prevention that turmeric is used in a traditional Indonesian beauty ritual for princesses called the Lulur treatment, which is a scrub for "healthy, glowing skin."