“run for office”不是“跑去办公室”,老外居然是想表达这个意思...
英语口语小镇 2020-09-10 09:00

如果你在外企上班,当领导跟你说“run for office”,可千万不要理解成叫你“跑去办公室”啊!那就大错特错了,可能还会失去一个大好的机会!

Tyler Franta@tfrants/unsplash
“run for office”不是“跑去办公室”
✘ 跑去办公室
✔ 竞选
这里的office指的是需要竞选的职位。run for office就是去参加这个职位的选举。
Some of the super-rich will run for office, but this can be a bad idea.
“in office”表示什么?
✘ 在办公室
✔ 任职、执政
During his six years in office, Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers.
“run over”是什么意思?
✘ 跑过去
✔ 碾压
Her cat was run over by a truck.
“long run”不是“长跑”
✘ 长跑
✔ 长期的
常见搭配是in the long run意思是:从长远来看
“长跑”正确表达:long-distance running
It seems a lot of effort but I m sure it s the best solution in the long run.
(来源:英语口语小镇 编辑:yaning)