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How much synthetic ‘fluff’ is lost from washed clothing? 洗衣服产生的人造微纤维可导致环境污染

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Over the course of the past 65 years or so, our collection of clothing has ballooned, and so is our desire to keep these garments clean. But as our shirts and trousers tumble through a wash cycle, they're losing lots of minuscule threads that drain away with the waste water.


The research team from the University of California, Santa Barbara, estimates a total of 5.6 million tonnes has been shed in this way, just over half of which has gone into water bodies. That's like putting seven billion fleece jackets in the world's rivers and oceans.


But increasingly, says the team, this synthetic fluff is affecting the land. Waste water treatment works now catch most of the fibre lost in the sludge, that's then spread on croplands or buried in landfill.



ballooned 激增
garments 衣物,衣服
tumble 翻滚
minuscule 细小的,微小的
threads 线
drain away 排走,流出
shed 使脱落,使掉落
water bodies 水体
fleece 羊毛
synthetic 人造的,合成的
fluff 绒毛
sludge 烂泥,淤泥
croplands 农田,耕地


1. True or false? Our desire to keep our clothes clean over the past 65 years or so has decreased.

2. What are shed as we wash our shirts and trousers?

3. Based on the research, of all the microfibres lost in the wash, how much has gone into water bodies?

4. How is this synthetic fluff affecting the land?


1. True or false? Our desire to keep our clothes clean over the past 65 years or so has decreased.
True. According to the article, our desire to keep our clothes clean has increased, and so has our clothing collection.

2. What are shed as we wash our shirts and trousers?
As we wash our shirts and trousers, minuscule threads are shed from the garments.

3. Based on the research, of all the microfibres lost in the wash, how much has gone into water bodies?
Around 5.6 million tonnes of microfibres are lost in the wash, just over half of which has gone into water bodies.

4. How is this synthetic fluff affecting the land?
Waste water treatment works now catch most of the fibre lost in the sludge, that's then spread on croplands or buried in landfill.




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