I second that是什么意思?
每日学英语公众号 2021-06-28 11:14

与人讨论问题的时候,你听过I second that这句话吗?

To “second” something means to be in support of a proposed idea or motion.
Formally, in a meeting when someone suggests or proposes an idea, there needs to be a “second” (someone else who supports the motion) for discussion to take place that results in a vote. Without a “second” the idea or motion dies and is not considered.
Informally, if people are just talking in a group and someone has an idea or makes a point about any particular subject, someone else in the group may say, “I second that”, meaning that he/she supports the idea and agrees with what was said.
非正式地说,如果人们只是在一群人中交谈,有人对任何特定的主题有一个想法或提出一个观点,这个群体中的其他人可能会说,I second that,意思是他支持这个观点并同意所讲的内容。
- How about pizza for dinner?
- I second that!
The motion was proposed by the club's chairwoman and seconded by the secretary.
- I could use a drink.
- I'll second that.
(来源:每日学英语公众号 编辑:yaning)