习近平在全国宗教工作会议上强调 坚持我国宗教中国化方向 积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应
新华网 2021-12-07 09:53


President Xi Jinping has stressed upholding the principle of developing religions in the Chinese context, and providing active guidance for the adaptation of religions to socialist society. Xi highlighted fully implementing the Party's theory on religious affairs in the new era, the basic policy on religious affairs, and the policy on the freedom of religious belief.
He required religious groups to strengthen their self-management and emphasized the need to improve the rule of law in religious affairs governance. Efforts are needed to better rally and guide religious believers to work together with the general public to develop China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, he noted.
Noting progress in the work related to religious affairs since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xi said religions in China have increasingly been Chinese in orientation and religious groups have kept enhancing their recognition of the motherland, the Chinese nation, the Chinese culture, the CPC and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The CPC Central Committee has put forward a slew of new concepts and measures on religious work since the 18th CPC National Congress, Xi said.
Stressing the importance of religious affairs in the work of the Party and the state, Xi highlighted the need to establish robust leadership, uphold and develop a religious theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, work in line with the Party's basic policy on religious affairs, and uphold the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation.
Xi also demanded efforts to rally vast religious believers around the Party and government, foster positive and healthy relations among religions, support religious groups in strengthening self-building, and improve the management of religious work under the rule of law.
Xi emphasized full and faithful implementation of the Party's policy on freedom of religious belief, respecting people's religious beliefs, managing religious affairs in accordance with the law, adhering to the principle of independence and self-management, and actively guiding religions to adapt to the socialist society.
He said it is imperative to further uphold the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, strengthen the management of online religious affairs, and effectively address prominent problems that affect the sound inheritance of religions in China.
Xi stressed supporting and guiding religious circles to improve their self-education, self-management and self-discipline, urging full and strict governance of religions.
Religious activities should be carried out within the scope stipulated by laws and regulations, and should not impair the health of citizens, offend public order and good morals, interfere with educational, judicial and administrative affairs as well as social life, Xi said.
Xi emphasized the training of a team of Party and government officials who are adept at the Marxist view on religion, familiar with religious affairs, and competent to engage in work related to religious believers.
Xi also urged fostering a group of religious figures who are politically reliable, have noble characters and religious accomplishments, and can play their role at critical times.
Xi also stressed improving education and work mechanisms related to religions.
Li Keqiang said Xi's remarks have charted the course and provided fundamental guidance for the work on religious affairs in the new era.
Wang Yang said all localities and departments must take studying and implementing the spirit of the conference as an important political task, and ensure the CPC Central Committee's decisions and arrangements are earnestly implemented.