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The Simpsons movie《辛普森一家》精讲之六
[ 2008-02-01 14:51 ]


文化面面观  主妇典型 Marge Simpson

考考你   一展身手





Homer: Marge? Kids? Oh?

Marge: Okay, here goes. Homer, I've always stood up for you. When people point out your flaws, I always say: ''Well, sometimes you have to stand back to appreciate a work of art.''

Homer: Way back.

Marge: Lately, what's keeping us together, is my ability to overlook everything you do. And I overlook these things because-

Homer: Because?

Marge: Well, that's the thing. I just, I just don't know how to finish that sentence anymore. So I'm leaving with the kids to help Springfield, and we're never coming back. And to prove to myself that this is the end, I taped this over our wedding video. Goodbye, Homie.

Marge: I love you.

Homer: Marge? Kids?

Bart: So, Mom, what's our plan?

Marge: What are you doing up there?

Bart: Looking through people's luggage. I'm the mascot of an evil corporation.

Marge: Get down from there. We have to keep a low profile till we get to Seattle to tell the world of the plot to destroy Springfield.

Lisa: I don't know if you guys should be talking so loud.

Marge: Oh, Lisa, it's not like the government is listening to everybody's conversation.

Woman: Hi, I'm calling about your Meat Lover's pizza, I like meat, but I don't know if I'm ready to love again.

Girl: You hang up first.

Boy: No, you hang up first.

Girl: Okay.

Boy: She hung up on me!

Lisa: But we're fugitives, we should just lay low till we get to Seattle.

Officer: Hey, everybody, I found one! The government actually found someone we're looking for! Yeah, baby, yeah!


1. Stand up for

这个片语也写作stick up for,意思是“支持,保卫”,例如:Paul always stands up for what he thinks is right. 保尔总是支持他认为对的东西。

Ginny has learned to stick up for her family. 金妮已经学会要保护自己的家。

2. Way back

这里的 way 是个副词,意思是“非常,远远地,大大地”,例如:He’s way too cute to be straight. 他长得太可爱了,不可能是异性恋。

3. Keep a low profile

所谓“做人要低调,行事要厚道”,keep a low profile 的意思就是“保持低调stay out of public notice, avoid attracting attention to oneself”,例如:Until his appointment becomes official, Ted is keeping a low profile. 泰德一直保持低调,直到对他的任命正式宣布。

4. Hang up on

这个片语也写作hang up,从对话中我们也能猜出来它的意思是“挂掉电话”,而要表示“挂掉某人的电话”就是 hang up on someone了,例如:He hung up on her. 他挂断了她的电话。

5. Lay low

这个片语的意思是“Keep oneself or one's plans hidden; bide one's time to act 隐匿,等待时机”,例如:The children lay low, hoping their prank would soon be forgotten.孩子们藏了起来,希望人们能很快忘掉他们的恶作剧。

The senator decided to lay low until his opponent had committed herself on raising taxes. 参议院决定等待时机,等到他的对手对增税表明意见。


文化面面观  主妇典型 Marge Simpson

考考你   一展身手

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