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American pie 2《美国派》2精讲之六
[ 2008-03-29 17:14 ]


文化面面观  Cupid 爱神丘比特

我观之我见 《美国派》1、2讲述了刚刚成人的小男生们对性的萌动、以及美国人群对性不同的观念。

考考你   一展身手





Jim: Well, here we are. You know, Jim, um, I think we should keep your mother in the dark about the little incident tonight. I think the whole glue thing might get her a little queasy.

Jim: I don't know how I get myself into these things. But thanks for understanding. You've been really cool. I mean, between this and, you know…

Jim’s father: You know, you may be Jimbo or Jumbo or Jimbodinny to these guys in here, but I want you to know there are two people who still remember where James Emanuel Levenstein came from. We're awful proud of you, son.

Jim: Thanks, Dad.

Michelle: All right, I've got a plan. Okay. How about I come back with you and, and you say, "Hello, this is Michelle, my girlfriend." And obviously, Nadia won't expect you to hop in the sack. And then we break up the day of the party. And you're all healed and back on the market.

Jim: You're evil.

Michelle: No way! I'm like Cupid. And I know how to make a girl jealous. This is gonna be fun.

Jim: I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but we just started seeing each other a few weeks ago.

Michelle: Um...

Jim: But I'd really love it if you stayed here. I think you should stay and have fun at the party.

Nadia: Good for you, Jim. Of course I will stay.

Jim: That's grea... Aiee! That's my nipples! She just loves my nipples.


1. keep someone in the dark

这个片语也可以写成是 leave someone in the dark,dark除了表示黑暗,还可以表示无知,这个短语的意思就是“to not tell someone about something 不告诉某人某件事”,比如:She claims she knew nothing about the deal and was deliberately kept in the dark. 她声称对这起交易毫不知情,而且被有意蒙在鼓里。

2. get into

这个短语在这里的意思是“become involved 陷入到……中去”,比如:He got into trouble by stealing cars. 他偷车,给自己惹了麻烦。

3. hop in the sack

Hop 是“跳”,sack 是“睡袋”,这下大家该明白是什么意思了吧,就是“同床共枕”啰!实际上老外在日常口语中也是喜欢用很多比喻、暗示之类的,这样的语言才会多姿多彩。我们中国人在日常交流中也是这样的。

4. on the market

On the market 的本意是“for sale; also, available for buying 有供应的,可以出售的”,这里的意思是“单身 available”,也是一个比喻的说法。比如:--- I just broke up with my girlfriend. 我刚和女朋友分手了。--- Don’t be so sad. You’re back on the market. There are so many good girls. 别这么难过。你又是单身了。好姑娘多着呢!

5. You're evil.

Evil 我们学过的,表示“邪恶”,不是个好词。但是用在这里可完全不一样了。这里是表示一种开玩笑的说法:你可真够坏的啊!


文化面面观  Cupid 爱神丘比特


考考你   一展身手

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