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Just My Luck《倒霉爱神》精讲之五
[ 2009-08-03 09:22 ]

塔罗牌 Tarot

考考你 小试牛刀


Maggie: Pancakes! Hi, kitty.

Tel: Hey, Ash. It's me, David. Uh, big art opening tonight at Station "A" Gallery. Meet you there at 7:00? Don't break my heart.

Dana: David Pennington. Another date.

Ashley: I'm not going.

Maggie: Why not? It's a chance with a great guy.

Ashley: No. It's a chance to get hit by a bus. Maggie...your black cat is crossing my path. Not good.

Maggie: Come on, Pancakes. Don't be scared of the superstitious, mean lady.

Ashley: I'm not superstitious, but it's true. I mean, it's bad luck. Dane, how's my scope?

Dana: Leo. Leo. "Your moon is in Uranus." - Ooh.

Ashley: Doesn't sound pretty.

Maggie: He could have canceled. Isn't that proof enough...that this whole bad luck thing is totally bogus?

Ashley: I don't think so.

Maggie: Ashley, unlucky girls...don't get asked out by one of Us Weekly's most eligible bachelors. Unlucky girls sit and watch their more fortunate friends get asked out...while they sit at home and watch Oprah and eat last year's Halloween candy.

Dana: That's true.

Ashley: You're right.

Maggie: Of course I'm right. Go get ready.

Ashley: You know what? Maybe I'm not cursed. You know, I'm just looking at things the wrong way. And these setbacks could just be opportunities.

Maggie: Of course.

Dana: Exactly.

Maggie: Because when one door closes...

Ashley: Two others open.

Ashley: Okay. I'm turning over a new leaf, and my good luck starts now.

Maggie: Good.

Ashley: It's okay.

Maggie: Did you just put that back in your eye?

Ashley: It was my last one, guys.

Dana: That's really gross.

Ashley: Ow! My eye! But, you see, l... I'm on the list. I'm "plus one." David Pennington, plus one. Hi, David. - There he is. See? There he is.

David: Oh, hey.

Ashley: David Pennington. There.

David: No, no, no. There. She's... She's with me.

Ashley: Thank you. Oh! I'm okay. Fine.

David: Come on. I got a surprise for you.

Ashley: Oh, my God. Would you look at that big, ugly...brown pile of...

David: Uh, Ashley...

Ashley: It looked like it came out of the rear end of an elephant.

David: Ashley. Meet my mother, the artist.

Ashley: Hmm. The artist. Hi, Mrs. Pennington. You know, you look so much younger in person. Not that I mean you're old or anything.

Mrs. Pennington: David, if I'm going to listen to this, I'll need vodka.

David: Good idea. Waiter.

Man: Yes, sir.


1. Don't break my heart:别让我失望。Break one's heart的意思是“使某人很伤心”,例如:It almost broke my heart.(这差点让我伤透了心)。

2. black cat:黑猫,西方的文化里黑猫是不吉利的,尤其是中世纪的欧洲,把黑猫看作邪恶的女巫的化身,会给人带来厄运。所以Ashley觉得Maggie's black cat从她面前走过,会给自己带来厄运。

3. scope:(算命用的)星占图, 天宫图。Ashley此处的意思是让Dana帮自己看看星座运势,因为她最近实在是霉运连连。

4. bogus:假的,伪造的。例如:The company was bogus, the prospectus was all got up.(那公司全属子虚乌有,所谓的创办计划是胡编乱造出来的。)

5. ask out:约会,邀请外出。请某人出去吃午餐,就可以说成是ask someone out to lunch。

6. turn over a new leaf:翻开新的一页,重新开始。They decided to give him a last opportunity to turn over a new leaf.(他们决定给他最后一次机会,让他重新做人。)

7. gross:令人恶心的,令人不快的。Dana的意思是,Ashley把隐形眼睛从脏东西里捡起来戴上,这很让人恶心。

8. rear end:臀部。Ashley没有料到这是David的母亲的作品,所以说它像是从“大象的屁股里拉出来的东西”,这可惹恼了David的母亲。

9. in person:外貌上。You look so much younger in person意思就是“您本人看上去更年轻些”,这句话再次激怒了David的母亲。此外,in person还有“亲自”的意思,例如:You must come in person.(你必须亲自来)。

塔罗牌 Tarot

考考你 小试牛刀


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