精彩对白 Well, maybe you should give it a gander and then come over here to the parish for breakfast, in, say, an hour. I think we should meet...
the Garden of Eden:伊甸园
Gustav Briegleb说,如果被赋予了太多的自由,人们就会像在伊甸园中那样为所欲为。那么这句话是从何而来呢?神秘的伊甸园又是什么样子的呢?就让我们一探伊甸园的奥秘吧。
The Garden of Eden is a location described in the Book of Genesis as being the place where the first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve, lived after they were created by God. Literally, the Bible speaks about a garden in Eden. This garden forms part of the creation and theodicy of the Abrahamic religions, often being used to explain the origin of sin and mankind's wrongdoings.
The location of the Garden of Eden remains the subject of much controversy and speculation. The creation story in Genesis relates the geographical location of both Eden and the garden to four rivers (Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates), and three regions (Havilah, Assyria, and Kush). There are hypotheses that place Eden at the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates (northern Mesopotamia), in Iraq (Mesopotamia), Africa, and the Persian Gulf.
Traditionally the location of Eden was considered to be historical. However much of modern critical scholarship now considers it to be only a metaphor symbolizing God's love and favor. For many medieval writers, the image of the Garden of Eden also creates a location for human love and sexuality, often associated with the classic and medieval trope of the locus amoenus.
1. 柯林斯夫人,我用一生以此为使命,去揭穿洛杉矶警局不愿为人所知的秘密。
2. 他们会用尽全力,让你身败名裂。
3. 可我不是在完成使命,我只想要我儿子回家。
4. 但如果你做出正确抉择,那他就可能是最后一个。
Changeling 《换子疑云》精讲之一参考答案
1. People love happy endings.
2. We don't get a lot of positive attention from the boys in the press these days.
3. All I'm saying is you're in shock and he's changed.
4. I promise you, I swear to you, I give you my word.
精彩对白 Well, maybe you should give it a gander and then come over here to the parish for breakfast, in, say, an hour. I think we should meet...