精彩对白:And I think there's a very good chance that I'm falling in love with you. So... that's it. That's all I had to say.

This is the moment,
This is the all.
Our eyes are tearing, my dear friends,
When you walk down the aisle.
You have found the true love of your life, and your long lonely search has come to an end,
So all you have to do is to bring little angels to the world, as many as you can.
As the love is all around you, you can sing joyfully like a lark,
And give each other all your loving, to light up your way in the dark.
So ………..
Stand by each other, be in each other's arm no matter in happiness or in tears.
Stand by each other, when the cold rain starts to fall, and your hearts are filled with fears.

Stand by each other, when you are too old to chew.
Stand by each other, when you are lost not even God can find you.
So love your love, that's all we pray,
With all the blessings,
May happiness be with you all the way.
God bless you!!
27 Dresses《新娘靠边闪》精讲之五参考答案
1. You humiliated me in front of every single person that I know and you think you could just say sorry?
2. You've just been waiting for the chance to tear me down.
3. Get off your high horse.
4. You have never had a care in the world.
1. 长话短说。
2. 酒水任饮,不如我请你。
3. 不知道,我替你说些好话。
4. 这条裙,最妙之处就是我可以改短再穿。
精彩对白:And I think there's a very good chance that I'm falling in love with you. So... that's it. That's all I had to say.
(英语点津 许雅宁编辑)