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Avatar 《阿凡达》精讲之四

[ 2010-02-24 15:49]     字号 [] [] []  
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Jake: Many Omatacaya will die if you do.

Tsu'Tey: You are not my brother!

Jake: And I am not your enemy! The enemy is out there! And they are very powerful! I can talk to them!

Tsu'Tey: No more talk!

Jake: I am Omaticaya, I am one of you. And I have the right to speak. I have something to say...To all of you. These words are like stones in my heart.

Norm: Sir, I'm sorry. You can't interrupt a link in progress. It's very dangerous!

Neytiri: Grace!

Norm: Stay down sir!

Jake: Look,...I was sent here to...

Tsu'Tey: Do you see now? He is just another demon inside a fake body...

Jake: Are you out of your goddamned mind?!

Colonel: You crossed the line. Wheel this meat out of here.

Grace: Jake! What the hell is going on here?

Colonel: You let me down son. So what, you...You found yourself some local tail and you completely forget what team you're playing for?

Grace: Parker, there is time to salvage this situation...

Colonel: Shut your pie hole!

Grace: Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me?

Colonel: I could do that.

Grace: You need to muzzle your dog.

Parker: Can we take this down a couple of notches please?

Jake: You say you want to keep your people alive? Start by listening to her.

Grace: Those trees were sacred to Omaticaya in a way you can't imagine.

Parker: You know what? You throw a stick in the air around here it's gonna land on some sacred fern for Christ's sake.

Grace: I'm not talking about some kind of pagan voodoo. I'm talking about something real, something measurable in a biology of the forest.

Parker: Which is what exactly?

Grace: What we think we know, is that there's some kind of electro chemical communication between the roots of the trees. Like synapses between neurons. And each tree has 10 to the fourth connections to the trees around it. And there are 10 to 12 of these trees on Pandora.

Parker: Which is a lot, I'm guessing.

Grace: It's more connections than the human brain. Get it? It's a network. It's a global network, and the Na'vi can access it. They can upload and download data. Memories, at sites like the one you just destroyed. Yes!

Parker: What the hell have you people been smoking out there? They're just goddamn trees.

Grace: You need to wake up Parker.

Parker: No, you need to wake up.

Grace: The wealth of this world isn't in the ground, it's all around us. The Na'vi know that, and they're fighting to defend it. If you want to share this world with them, you need to understand them.

Colonel: I'd say we understand them just fine, thanks to Jake here. Hey Doc, come take a look.

Jake: They're not gonna give up their home. They're not gonna make a deal. For light beer? And blue jeans? There's nothing that we have that they want. Everything they sent me out here to do is a waste of time. They're never gonna leave Hometree.

Colonel: Since a deal can't be made I guess things get real simple, Jake. Thanks. I'm getting all emotional. I might just give you big wet kiss. I'll do with minimal casualties to indigenous. I'll drive them out with gas first. It'll be humane. More or less.

Parker: Alright, let's pull the trigger.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. like stones in my heart:压在我心底好久了。这句话的意思就是我们常说的“这些话压在我心底好久了”。

2. demon: 魔鬼,极残忍的人。

但如果有人说,Her husband is a demon for work. 你可不要误解为“她的丈夫工作起来像个魔鬼”,这里其实是说“她丈夫工作起来精力过人。”Demon在这里指“精力充沛的人”。此外,它还可以用来指“技艺出众的人”。

3. cross the line:越界了,做得太过分了。

而cross someone’s path可不是指“越过了别人的道路”,它的意思是“不期而遇、邂逅”。例如:If I cross his path, I'll tell him to return the book.(我要是碰到他,就告诉他把书还来。)

4. let someone down: 让某人失望。

此外,let down还可以直接做名词,表示“失望”,例如:That's a real let down.(这真叫人失望。)

5. salvage:抢救,拯救。

例如:The government tried to salvage several business companies from bankruptcy.(政府设法把这几个商业公司从破产境地中拯救出来。)基督教的核心是上帝的救赎,这里的“救赎”就可以用salvage来表示。根据某些观点,人类还需要进行self-salvage(自我救赎)。

6. muzzle:压制言论,使缄默。原意指给动物戴上防止咬人的口套。

7. for Christ's sake:看在老天的份儿上。

类似的说法还有for God’s sake, for goodness's sake, for pity's sake等等。

8. pagan:异教徒的。基督教教徒所说的异教徒最先指的是犹太教和穆斯林,后来扩大到所有非基督教徒。

9. synapse:(神经元的)突触

10.light beer: 清淡啤酒。也就是我们说的“清啤”。与之相对的是bock beer(烈性黑啤酒)。常喝啤酒的人会长beer belly(啤酒肚)。

11.pull the trigger:叩动扳机,发动起来。在战场上首先叩动扳机的人必将pull the trigger first(先发制人)。



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