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Barcelona stages final bullfight

[ 2011-09-27 11:19]     字号 [] [] []  
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Three top matadors killed six half-ton bulls on Sunday in the last bullfight held in Catalonia before a ban on the centuries-old tradition comes into effect in the northeastern Spanish region.

The sold-out crowd of 18,000 applauded and chanted "Freedom" throughout the bullfight at Barcelona's Monumental arena, the city's last active bullring which opened its doors in 1914.

"For a city like Barcelona to close this arena is like throwing a Picasso painting into the garbage," said 68-year-old Cristobal, who declined to give his last name, before taking his seat at the Monumental for the bullfight.

Catalonia's regional parliament voted in July 2010 to ban bullfighting after animal rights groups managed to garner 180,000 signatures for a petition demanding the debate. The ban will take effect on Jan 1, 2012.

It was the first region in mainland Spain to ban the tradition. The Canary Islands previously banned bullfighting in 1991. While the move fueled the debate across the country over bullfighting, there is little sign that any other Spanish region is poised to follow Catalonia's example.

Matador Serafin Marin and other critics say the move was as much about Catalonia, which has its own language and where many seek independence from Spain, underlining its regional identity as an issue of animal rights.

They point out that other festivals, including one in which flaming torches are attached to the horns of a bull, which is then pursued through the streets, will survive the new regime.

"This is a political law made for nationalistic motives: those that want an independent Catalonia want to cut everything that smells of Spain," said Marin, who wore a cape that featured the colors of the Catalan flag in the ring.

He plans to continue fighting bulls in arenas in other parts of Spain and in France.

"I feel bad about it, sad. They take away all your past and part of your future. I have been banned from carrying out my profession," he said.

Tickets for the final bullfight at the Monumental arena cost between 24 euros and 135 euros ($32 and $182), but scalpers were offering them at six times the cost outside the arena before the start of the bullfight.

"We have won a battle but not the war. We will continue to work for animal rights in Spain, Catalonia and elsewhere," said Helena Escoda, member of the rights group Prou, Catalan for "enough", which fought for the ban.


1. Why is bullfighting being banned in Catalonia?

2. When does the bullfighting ban go into effect?

3. How many other mainland regions of Spain have banned bullfighting?


1. Animal rights advocacy, though many believe the change was also politically motivated.

2. January 1, 2012.

3. None.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)

Barcelona stages final bullfight

About the broadcaster:

Barcelona stages final bullfight

?Christine Mallari is an intern at China Daily. She was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in a nearby suburb before moving for college. After recently graduating from the University of Iowa with a degree in English, Journalism and Mass Communications, she moved to Beijing to work with China Daily. Though she has been working in journalism since high school, this is her first time doing so abroad.





