![]() An image of Taylor Swift."Fearless" singer Taylor Swift made the cover of People's "most intriguing of 2009," the magazine said on Wednesday.
"Fearless" singer Taylor Swift made the cover of People's "most intriguing of 2009," on a list that names mom-of-eight Kate Gosselin the "mother of all reality stars" and British singer Susan Boyle as "the surprise hit," the magazine said on Wednesday. Oprah Winfrey, who announced she would end her influential TV talk show in 2011, was honored as "the departing diva", Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as "the power pair" and President Barack Obama and wife Michelle as "the first couple." The list is not ranked. Swift, 20, whose country/pop crossover album is the biggest selling of 2009 and who won five American Music Awards and the coveted Country Music Association's Entertainer of the Year, was named the "golden girl" in the People double-issue. Swift said her success "feels like this ongoing dream," but told People she hoped to remain grounded. "You can stay the same person, even if everything around you changes," she said, regarding her fame. "I would like to think everybody out there isn't just waiting for me to trip and fall and stumble out of a club drunk. People know I'm not a party girl. I'm not hiding some dying urge to be out clubbing right now." In a new category marking the fall of a number of male celebrities in 2009, golfer Tiger Woods, rapper Kanye West, singer Chris Brown, reality star Jon Gosselin, and TV talk show host David Letterman, who admitted having an affair with his staffer, were named "Men in the Doghouse." Rihanna, who was attacked in February by then boyfriend Brown, was named the "resilient star" after a series of frank interviews in November and a new album. Michael Jackson's three young children, suddenly thrust into the spotlight after the singer's death in June, were named "the descendants"; actor John Travolta "the heartbroken dad" after the death in January of his 16 year-old autistic son; and singer Lady Gaga the "shock star." The special double-issue of People hits news stands on Friday. (Read by Dan.Chinoy. Dan.Chinoy is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻
《人物》杂志评选的“2009年度最具看点明星于”本周三揭晓,专辑《无所畏惧》的女歌手泰勒•斯威夫特成为本期杂志的封面人物。此外,身为八个孩子的母亲凯特•戈斯林被评为“真人秀明星之母”,英国歌手苏珊•波伊尔获评“最令人惊叹明星”。 奥普拉•温芙瑞获评“即将离开的大牌女星”,不久前奥普拉宣布将于2011年停播其颇具影响力的电视脱口秀节目。布拉德•皮特和安吉丽娜•朱莉获评“超级情侣”,美国总统贝拉克•奥巴马及其夫人米歇尔被评为“第一夫妇”。 该榜单排名不分先后。 在本期的《人物》合刊中,20岁的斯威夫特被誉为“黄金女孩”。斯威夫特的乡村加流行风格的音乐专辑成为2009年度最畅销专辑,她本人获得今年“全美音乐奖”的五项大奖,还被评为让很多人梦寐以求的全美乡村音乐协会的“年度最佳艺人”。 斯威夫特说自己的成功“就像在做梦一样”。但她在接受《人物》杂志采访时称希望自己能够脚踏实地。 在谈及自己的成名时,斯威夫特说:“就算周围的一切都发生了变化,你还是可以保持自我。我想大家都不愿意看到一个在酒吧里喝得醉醺醺,路都走不稳的斯威夫特。大家都知道我不是个交际女孩。现在我不想过多地出去玩乐。” 《人物》杂志还评选了2009年度时运不济的“失宠男星”,其中包括高尔夫名将泰格•伍兹、说唱歌手坎耶•韦斯特、歌手克里斯•布朗、真人秀明星乔恩•葛赛林以及承认与女下属有染的电视访谈节目主持人大卫•莱特曼。 于今年二月遭到前男友布朗家暴的蕾哈娜获评“最有韧性明星”。蕾哈娜在11月份的一系列采访中公开了自己遭家暴的细节,并于当月推出一张新专辑。 迈克尔•杰克逊的三个孩子获评“最受瞩目后代”。这三个孩子在杰克逊六月份去世后,倏然成为关注的焦点。演员约翰•特拉沃尔塔被评为“最伤心的父亲”。他患有自闭症的儿子于今年一月份去世。歌手Lady Gaga获评“最震撼明星”。 《人物》杂志本期特刊将于本周五上架。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑蔡姗姗) |
Vocabulary: diva:a distinguished female singer; prima donna(歌剧中的首席女主角) coveted:greatly desired(渴望得到的;梦寐以求的) double-issue:合刊 party girl:a girl or woman who is interested in little else besides attending parties(交际花,派对女郎) in the doghouse:失宠的;受冷遇 resilient:recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant.(指人的性格能迅速恢复或重新振作的;达观的;适应性强的) autistic:a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication, excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment(孤独症患者) |