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英格兰饮茶风俗由何而来? (二)
News Digest  
At long last, there's been a Suri Cruise sighting.
9•11五周年将至 布什为战争辩护
Quoting repeatedly from Osama bin Laden, President Bush said Tuesday that pulling US troops out of Iraq would fulfill the terrorist leader's wishes.
Promoting her new film "The Banquet" at the Venice Film Festival on Sunday, Zhang Ziyi wore the same polka-dotted low-cut dress that fellow Chinese actress Xu Jinglei wore two months ago.
日本王妃明日剖腹产 政府盼喜添男丁
Kiko, 39, the wife of the emperor's younger son, Akishino, is to undergo a Caesarean section after pregnancy complications.
Steve Irwin, the Australian television personality and environmentalist known as the Crocodile Hunter, was killed Monday by a stingray barb during a diving expedition, media reports said.
《福布斯》百名女强人出炉 吴仪名列第三
She is known as "China's iron lady," but impresses the world with her soft tone and charming smiles.
李娜2-0完胜皮尔斯 大逆转挺进美网16强
Li Na became the first Chinese woman to reach the US Open last 16 with a stunning 4-6 6-0 6-0 victory over 2005 runner-up Mary Pierce on Sunday.
希拉里的总统抱负: 美迟早会拥有女总统
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, standing outside an abandoned knitting mill that will become the new home of the National Women's Hall of Fame , said Thursday she hopes America is ready for its first woman president.
李咏蝉联最具价值主持人 身价值5亿
Flamboyant TV host Li Yong has been ranked as China's most bankable TV personality, with a projected brand value of 500 million yuan (US$60 million).
靓老汤金屋藏娇 爱女首次大便雕像曝光
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have yet to show their baby daughter off in public, but eager fans have been given an unusual preview overnight, with the chance to see a bronze cast depicting her first solid stool.
富士康戏剧性转折 索赔金降为1元
A Taiwan-funded company has slashed its defamation claim against two Shanghai journalists from 30 million yuan (3.75 million U.S. dollars) to just one yuan (13 U.S. cents).
新专辑宣传在即 杰西卡•辛普森不幸失声
Talk about bad timing. At the start of a media blitz to support her new album, "A Public Affair," Jessica Simpson is on vocal rest.
爵士响起 新奥尔良噩梦纪念一周年
The first anniversary of the biggest calamity to befall this city was marked Tuesday with a moment of silence.
美财长拟9月访华 要求中国开放金融市场
New US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will lobby for more foreign competition against China's cossetted banks when he visits the country next month, an official said.
阿娇遭偷拍 八卦杂志四面楚歌
The public outcry against Easy Finder for publishing indecent photographs of Twins' singer Gillian Chung has been gaining momentum, with an increasing number of people vowing to boycott the magazine and demanding strict action against it.
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Publisher:Ballantine Books
ISBN: 034549394X
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