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Same-sex marriage faced a serious test in US

2013-04-11 09:56

Thousands of peaceful demonstrators gathered outside the Supreme Court in Washington, DC this week.

Dietary changes help lower blood pressure

2013-04-11 09:56

There are many studies indicating that reducing salt or sodium intake can lower the risk of stroke and related illnesses.

US drone strikes under scrutiny

2013-04-10 14:23

Unmanned drones are being used with increasing frequency in fighting terrorist groups like al-Qaida.

Egyptian w omen reject blame for upsurge in sexual harrassment

2013-04-10 14:23

In Egypt, women's rights groups are pushing back against some Islamists' attempts to blame women for an upsurge in sexual harassment.

A recent public-opinion survey for next presidential election

2013-04-10 14:22

The lifeblood of Washington is politics. So it is never too early to consider the next presidential election.

A drop in the number of women touring India

2013-04-10 14:22

...and a drop in the number of women touring India since the rape and murder of a young girl in the country.

Russia promises a snowy Sochi 2014

2013-04-09 15:56

Russia chose one of its southernmost cities — subtropical Sochi — as its nominee for next year's Winter Olympics.

Immigration tensions in Europe

2013-04-09 15:56

The United States is not the only country engaged in the emotionally charged debate over immigration.

Words and their stories: Nicknames for Chicago

2013-04-09 15:42

Many American cities have interesting nicknames. These can help establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity.

3D goes from movies to real world

2013-04-09 15:42

Movie fans know that their action hero Superman does not really fly. And, in the movie Superman Returns, another visual trick is played on viewers.

Teacher Finds Artful Way to Inspire Students

2013-04-02 15:53

"If there is silence, there is an opportunity for music," he says. "If there is a white surface, then there is an opportunity for color.

Gun Violence Inflicts Emotional Toll on Victims' Families

2013-04-02 15:53

Oliver Smith’s son was a police officer, shot execution style by three men during a robbery.











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