人民是历史的创造者,人民是真正的英雄。 People are the creators of history. They are the real heroes.
共产党就是为人民谋幸福的。The mission of the CPC is to seek happiness for the Chinese people.
中华民族历来重视家庭,家和万事兴。Family has always been valued by the Chinese people and harmony in a family makes everything successful.
全党工作重中之重 习近平谈“三农”问题
让几千万农村贫困人口生活好起来,是我心中的牵挂。 A better life for tens of millions of poor people in rural regions is dear to my heart.
我们呼吁,各国人民同心协力,构建人类命运共同体,建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界。 We call on the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity.
创新是引领发展的第一动力,是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑。Innovation is the primary driving force behind development; it is the strategic underpinning for building a modernized economy.
中国梦归根到底是人民的梦,必须紧紧依靠人民来实现,必须不断为人民造福。 The Chinese dream, after all, is the dream of the people. We must realize it by closely depending on the people, and we must incessantly bring benefits to the people.
发展之路没有终点,只有新的起点。“往者不可谏,来者犹可追。” Development is a journey with no end, but with one new departure point after another. An ancient Chinese philosopher once observed, "We should focus our mind on the future, not the past."
国之交在于民相亲。只有深耕厚植,友谊与合作之树才能枝繁叶茂。 Amity between the people holds the key to sound state-to-state relations. Only with intensive care can the tree of friendship and cooperation grow luxuriant.
中华民族伟大复兴,绝不是轻轻松松、敲锣打鼓就能实现的。 Achieving national rejuvenation will be no walk in the park, and it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging to get there.
我军之所以能够战胜各种艰难困苦、不断从胜利走向胜利,最根本的就是坚定不移听党话、跟党走。Loyalty to the CPC is the reason why the PLA can overcome difficulties and achieve victories.
知行合一,采取务实行动。我们应该让二十国集团成为行动队,而不是清谈馆。 The G20 should fully honor its commitment and take practical actions. We should make the G20 an action team instead of a talk shop.
关于“一带一路” 习近平主席这样说
“一带一路”建设已经迈出坚实步伐。我们要乘势而上、顺势而为,推动“一带一路”建设行稳致远,迈向更加美好的未来。 A solid first step has been taken in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative. We should build on the sound momentum generated to steer the Belt and Road Initiative toward greater success.
一切有抱负、有追求的文艺工作者都应该追随人民脚步,走出方寸天地,阅尽大千世界,让自己的心永远随着人民的心而跳动。 All artists and writers with ambitions and pursuits should step outside their own space and embrace the diversity of the world, letting their hearts beat in rhythm with the people's.
长征是一次检验真理的伟大远征。真理只有在实践中才能得到检验,真理只有在实践中才能得到确立。 The Long March is a march that tests truth. Truth must be tested in practice and can only be established in practice.
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