国际贸易:保险谈判 [ 2007-03-14 11:34 ]
Helen: I'm calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you've
requested for your order. 我打电话来是想讨论你所要求的订单保险额的级别。
Henry: I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above
the invoice value? 我想我们要求的是高于发票价值百分之二十五的保险金额。
Helen: Yes, that's right. We have no problem in complying with your request,
but we think that the amount is a bit
excessive. 是的,没错。我们可以答应这个要求,但是我们觉得金额有点太高。
Henry: We've had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged
goods. 我们过去有太多货物毁损的困扰。
Helen: I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods
of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten
percent. 我能了解你的考虑。然而,一般这类产品的保险额度是发票总额再加百分之十。
Henry: We would feel more comfortable with the additional
protection. 有额外的保障会让我们觉得安全些。
Helen: Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to
charge you extra for the additional cost. 很遗憾,如果你们想增加保险额的话,我们就得向你们收取额外的费用。
Henry: But the insurance was supposed to be included in the
quotation. 但是保险应该包含在报价里了。
Helen: Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular
rates. 是的,但是我们向你们报的价是一般比例下的正常保险额。
Henry: I see. 我明白了。
Helen: We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact
your insurance agent there and compare
rates. 不过超出的保险额我们可以再商量。但是我建议你和你们那边的保险代理商联系并比较一下价格。
Henry: You're right. It might be cheaper on this end. 你说得没错,在这边可能会比较便宜。
Helen: Fax me whatever rates you find there and I'll compare them with what
we can offer. 不论你找到的价格如何都请传真给我,我会和我们可以提供的价格来做比较。
(华东政法学院通讯员孙晓琳供稿 英语点津 Annabel 编辑) |