豪门艳女希尔顿刑满释放 昂首挺胸走红毯 [ 2007-06-26 16:46 ]
美国当地时间6月26日凌晨,美国富家女孩帕丽斯·希尔顿终于获释出狱。在无数镁光灯的闪烁中,帕丽斯·希尔顿一身休闲打扮走出了监狱。虽然身材有所缩水,但得到释放的希尔顿看上去精神饱满,一脸喜悦。 |
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combination photo shows Paris Hilton posing during a news conference for
the television show 'The Simple Life 5' in Los Angeles April 9, 2007, (L)
and Hilton leaving the Los Angeles Municipal Court May 4, 2007 (R).
[Reuters] |
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton, who commanded as much attention behind bars as on the Hollywood party scene,
regained her freedom on Tuesday after serving three weeks in jail for violating
probation in a drunk-driving case.
The incarceration of the 26-year-old multimillionaire, who lampooned her own persona as a clueless child of
privilege on the reality TV show "The Simple Life," ignited a worldwide media
frenzy and debate about celebrity justice.
The saga hit a crescendo when Hilton was placed briefly under house arrest after just three days in jail,
sparking an uproar over what many saw as preferential treatment. Even so, a Los
Angeles Times analysis found her sentence far exceeded those served by most
inmates for similar offenses.
In the end, Hilton served 22 days in detention, counting her day-long home
confinement. The original 45-day term set by the judge was effectively cut in
half under a standard credit applied for good behavior.
Hilton came out of the Century Regional Detention Facility about 12:15 a.m.
(0715 GMT) and a swarm of photographers and camera crews awaited her.
Dressed casually in dark slacks and a short-sleeved top, Hilton made no
statement but had a broad smile as she walked down a paparazzi-lined path to a
sports utility vehicle where she was embraced by her mother Kathy.
The Hiltons left quickly with several vehicles full of photographers tailing
them on the freeway.
Whether fame worked for or against her, public fascination with the socialite
who first gained notoriety in a homemade sex video that surfaced on the Internet
never seemed to dim.
bars: 狱中
(英语点津陈蓓编辑) |