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By Sophie Zhang
郭小华 译
This weekend I watched Disney’s most recent animated film, Wreck-It Ralph featuring the voice talents of John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, and Jane Lynch. The plot is easy to follow but riveting nonetheless: Wreck-It Ralph, the “bad guy” in the arcade game “Fix-It Felix”, longs to be a hero and for everyone to love him. In his effort to win a hero’s medal, he flies from video game to video game in the quest to become the lovable good guy. The story is essentially our modern day’s Toy Story. Much like the toys that come to life once no humans are present, the video game characters take on their own individual personalities after the arcade closes and the employees leave for the night. Ralph, one day fed up with his life sleeping in the garbage while the heroic Fix-it Felix parties in his grand penthouse, leaves his game to the militaristic “Hero’s Duty” where he only runs into more troubles. I highly recommend this movie to kids and adults of all ages. Adults will love the old, traditional video games like “Pac-Man” and “Sonic” from the 1980s, while the children will be enthralled by the bright, colorful worlds designed especially for the movie. Original music from 1980s bands as well as modern day artists such as Skrillex (who has an animated cameo) and Owl City are also included. As a long-time Disney fan, I was pleased to see that they were able to come up with a movie as innovative and heartwarming (without being too sappy) as Wreck-It Ralph is without the help of Pixar. I think the message of Wreck-It Ralph is an inspiring one—recognize that there is nothing wrong with the person you are, even when things aren’t going so smoothly. Although that message is one we’ve heard numerous times, it’s not so easy to accept when you feel small and nerdy and you sit next to the girl in class who always has all the right answers and wears all the right clothes. I think this is something that I have struggled with for a long time. No matter how many awards I win, how many A’s I get in school, or how many achievements I have, I always forget about all of them the minute I look in the mirror and see a brand-new pimple on my chin or step on the scale and discover that I’ve gained an extra pound. Wreck-It Ralph goes to therapy with other game villains and they echo their mantra over and over again: “I am bad, and that’s good, I will never be good and that’s not bad, there’s no one I’d rather be than me.” Ralph fails to see the truth in this rather confusing motto , and nevertheless tries to abandon his identity anyway. At the end of the movie, he finally realizes that even though he is a bad guy in the game, the game needs a bad guy to survive. Without him, Fix-It Felix has nothing to fix. He realizes that his role is integral to the community, and there are several perks to being the villain. Although in real life, none of us wants to be a “bad guy”, I think the ultimate truth we derive from the “bad guy” mantra is that we will never be able to change who we are, and we should accept that that’s good. When you try to assume someone else’s identity and forget about your own, bad consequences occur and you end up being unhappier than you were when you started. Wreck-It Ralph lives in a video game and I live my life out in the real world. Sometimes it’s a lot more difficult to accept who you are. Depressing thoughts and extreme sadness come much more easily than mere dissatisfaction at being a villain. Everyone wants to be loved, praised, and admired, but we have to realize that the most important praise comes from yourself. |
周末我去看了迪斯尼最新推出的动画片《无敌破坏王》,由著名演员约翰•C. 赖利和简•林奇以及名嘴萨拉•西尔弗曼配音是本片的一大看点。剧情简单,却引人入胜:破坏王拉尔夫是街机游戏《维修工菲利克斯》中的“反派人物”,但他渴望成为英雄,希望大家都喜欢他。为了变成一个讨人喜欢的好人,他要努力赢得一枚英雄勋章,于是,他去闯荡了一个又一个不同的电子游戏世界,踏上了扭转反派形象的征途。 从本片的故事情节来看,基本上就是现代版的《玩具总动员》;跟“人类不在,玩具都有了生命”这样的情节非常相似,片中,夜里游乐中心打烊,员工们下班之后,电子游戏中的角色们具有了他们自己独特的个性。拉尔夫成天躺在垃圾堆里,而英雄菲利克斯却在他宽大的屋顶房间里宴会狂欢;有一天,拉尔夫厌倦了这种生活,他离开了自己的游戏世界,来到《英雄使命》的军事游戏中,可他在那里却遇到了更多的麻烦。 我向各年龄段的儿童和成人强烈推荐这部电影。因为成年人会钟情于那些20世纪80年代的传统电子游戏,比如《吃豆人》和《索尼克》,而孩子们则会着迷于专为本片打造的那个明亮绚烂、色彩丰富的世界。片中还有很多来自20世纪80年代的乐队的原创音乐,以及Skrillex(他在动画片里客串了一把)和“猫头鹰之城乐队”等当代艺术家的加盟。作为迪斯尼的长期铁杆粉丝,我很高兴看到没有皮克斯的帮助,他们也能创作出《无敌破坏王》这部富于创新和感人至深(却并不愚蠢可笑)的电影。 依我看来,《无敌破坏王》表达的思想颇为鼓舞人心,它让人们认识到:即便诸事不顺,这也并非你个人的问题。尽管这种说法我们已经听过无数遍,但是,当你感觉自己渺小而土气,而班里坐你旁边的女孩却总是答题正确、衣着得体时,要接受这种观点就没那么容易了。我想这也是我为此纠结了好长一段时间的问题。无论我得过多少奖,我在学校拿了多少优等成绩,抑或我取得了多大的成就,只要我一照镜子看到脸上刚长的一粒青春痘,或是站在体重秤上发现自己又胖了一磅,所有的优点就会被我统统抛诸脑后。 破坏王拉尔夫向其他游戏中的反派们寻求安慰,他们一遍遍地诵念着反派自强宣言:“我是反派,但这是好事;我永远不会是英雄,这也不是坏事;我宁愿做我自己。”拉尔夫没能从这令人相当困惑的箴言中看出什么真理,反正他仍然是要尽力去摆脱自己的身份。在电影结尾时,他终于意识到:即便他在游戏中是个反派,但游戏也需要反派才能继续玩下去。没有了他,维修工菲利克斯就没什么可修的了。他还认识到:他的角色是游戏世界中不可或缺的一部分,而且做个反派角色也有一些额外好处呢。 在现实生活中,我们都不想做“反派人物”,但我认为,从那句“反派”宣言中得出的终极真理则是:我们永远也无法改变我们是谁,因此应当认同自己。如果你努力想变成他人,并忘掉自己的身份,不良后果会随之产生,而你最终也只会变得比开始时更加不开心。 破坏王拉尔夫是电子游戏中的人物,而我生活在现实世界里。有时,要接受你自己会感觉困难得多,沮丧郁闷和极度悲伤的情绪比仅仅不满于做反派人物的心情来得更容易。每个人都想要被喜爱、称赞和崇拜,但我们必须认识到,最重要的称赞来自于你自己。 (来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:丹妮) |
Vocabulary: 1. wreck: 破坏,毁坏。 2. talent: 〈口〉演员,艺人。 3. riveting: 令人目不转睛的,极吸引人的;nonetheless: = nevertheless,仍然,不过;arcade game: 街机游戏,是在一种置于公共娱乐场所的经营性专用游戏机上运行的游戏,也称大型电玩。其中,arcade是指“(设有许多电动游乐器材的)游乐中心”;long to: 渴望,热望。 4. fed up: 极其厌倦的;penthouse: 屋顶房间,顶楼。 5. “Pac-Man”: 《吃豆人》被认为是电子游戏历史上最经典的街机游戏之一,最早由日本的南梦宫公司(Namco)于1980年推出;“Sonic”: 《索尼克》是一款极受欢迎的电子游戏系列,以竞速为主,自1991年初发售以来一直长盛不衰,索尼克也成为了世界上最具知名度的刺猬;enthrall: 迷住,使着迷。 6. Skrillex: 美国著名电子音乐人、红遍全球的超级DJ,原名Sonny John Moore,他曾在2012年的格莱美颁奖礼上一举获得两项大奖;cameo: (由并非主角的大明星)客串演出的场面;Owl City: 猫头鹰之城乐队,是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队。 7. sappy: 〈美口〉愚蠢的,傻的;Pixar: 皮克斯动画工作室,于1986年正式成立,是一家对动画电影历史影响最深远的公司之一。皮克斯于2006年被迪斯尼收购,成为其子公司。 8. nerdy: 〈俚〉乏味落伍的。 9. mantra: 符咒,咒语。 10. motto: 座右铭,箴言。 11. integral: 构成整体所必需的,不可或缺的;perk: 特殊待遇,额外福利。 |
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