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A woman models an advertisement from Absolute Territory PR. |
Introducing the least subliminal advertising ever. In Japan, companies are actually launching print campaigns on young women's bare legs. Are we really ready to turn our bodies into billboards for a few extra bucks? Japanese advertisers are banking on it, offering women money in exchange for the use of their thighs. Participants paste temporary tattoos of brand logos on their legs and spend the day exposing them to oglers. To be eligible for ad space, you must be at least 18-years-old and connected to least 20 people on social networking sites. The idea comes as part of the advertising maxim that ads should run “wherever people are looking.” As of November 2012, about 1,300 women have registered their legs to be part of ad campaigns with Absolute Territory PR, the publicity team behind the bizarre media blitz. In fact the name of the PR company, “Absolute Territory,” is a translation of the Japanese phrase “zettai ryouiki,” used to describe the area on a woman’s leg between the end of her skirt or short and the beginning of a thigh-high or knee-high stocking, a style that has been popularized by Japanese Anime and manga. In order to get paid at the end of the day, women must wear the advert, which comes in the form of a temporary adhesive, for at least eight hours. They must also post photos of themselves wearing the adhesive on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as proof of completing the job. Women can expect to earn between $13 and $128 for one day’s work. Presumably, because “zettai ryouiki,” is a “total magnet for the male gaze," one can assume this marketing strategy would work particularly well for products or services geared to a male audience. It’s not only advertisers who are taking advantage of the popularity of the trend. The band Green Day had girls stamp an ad on their thighs as a marketing campaign for their new album, !Uno!. Though it could be classified as a blatant objectification of the female body, Absolute Territory PR’s crafty campaign is a glimpse into the future of advertising. It’s been theorized that in just a few years advertisers will be able to use augmented reality to float digital ads in prominent places that you would need special glasses or contacts to see. It’s a brave new world. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Source: Yahoo) |
来见识一下有史以来最大胆露骨的广告方式吧。在日本,一些公司用年轻女孩的光腿作为广告牌,印上图案进行宣传。 真的有人愿意为了得到那点额外的小钱而将自己的身体变成广告牌吗?日本的广告商就指望有女孩愿意出租玉腿,他们出钱以换得对女孩大腿的使用权。参加这种广告活动的女孩在大腿上贴上暂时性商标纹身,然后花一整天时间向路人展示。想让自己的大腿有资格成为广告空间,你必须年满18岁,而且在社交网站上至少有20个好友。这一主意源于广告业的一条真理,就是“哪里有眼球,哪里就有广告”。 截至2012年11月,已有约1300名女孩在“绝对领域”公关公司报名,愿意用她们的大腿做广告。这一公司就是发动这场奇异的媒体闪电战的宣传团队。事实上,这个公关公司的名字“绝对领域”是从日语翻译过来的,在日语中该词是用来形容女人腿部从短裙或短裤下摆到过膝或及膝长筒袜顶端之间的那一段。这种流行的穿衣风格是被日本动漫和连环画带动起来的。 为了在一天结束时拿到报酬,女孩必须让广告图案在大腿上停留至少八小时,这些广告图是用临时粘合剂贴在腿上的。她们还必须把自己带贴图的大腿照片上传到Facebook和Twitter这样的社交网站,以证明自己完成了工作。她们一天的报酬从13美元到128美元不等。 由于女性大腿的“绝对领域”应该是“最吸引男性眼球的磁铁”,可以推断这种营销策略对于面向男性消费群体的产品和服务最有成效。 并非只有广告商在利用这一流行趋势,绿日乐队也曾在女孩的大腿上印广告来宣传他们的新专辑!Uno!。 尽管这种行为会被视为公然将女性身体物化,“绝对领域”公关公司巧妙的宣传手段却让我们窥见了未来的广告趋势。有人提出理论说,要不了几年,广告商就能够用增强现实技术在显眼的地方放置漂浮在空中的电子广告,戴上特别的眼镜或隐形眼镜就能看见这种广告。这将是个美丽新世界。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮) |
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