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'Exquisite', ' impeccable' and 'dazzling' are not words often used when asked to describe airline food. However, these are the descriptions used by luxury food magazine Saveur, when it revealed the carriers with the best in-flight options. The magazine's second annual Culinary Travel Award winners were chosen by an expert panel of the editors as well as industry experts, travel writers, photographers and chefs. The 2014 Best In-flight Dining Award was split into two categories - first and business, and economy. Emirates scooped The Experts Choice award for the second year in a row, with Saveur's experts saying they were 'dazzled' by the quality of food and service enjoyed on the airline. The panel wrote: 'Enjoying delicacies such as wild Iranian caviar with sour cream and blinis or lamb noisette with roasted seasonal vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes, award-winning chefs have created menus that are not only exquisite but also healthy.' The airlines serves its seven-course meals on Royal Doulton fine bone china and guests are able to enjoy an extensive range of vintage wines. |
一般来说,人们不会用“精致的”,“无可挑剔的”,和“眼花缭乱”这一类词来形容飞机餐。 不过,最近这些词语都被世界知名的时尚生活美食杂志《Saveur》(《美味》)用来形容目前全球最佳的空中美食了。 此次,《Saveur》杂志精心挑选了由资深编辑、美食专家、旅行作家、摄影师和厨师组成的评选小组,为各大航空公司的飞机餐进行评级颁奖,选出了第二届《Saveur》旅游烹饪大奖的获奖者。 2014最佳飞机餐奖项分为两大类:头等舱和商务舱;经济舱。 阿联酋航空公司连续两年荣获专家评选的最佳飞机餐,而《Saveur》杂志的专家们也享受到了阿联酋航空公司“眼花缭乱”的美食和服务。 在杂志里,这些美食专家给出了这样的评价:获奖无数的大厨亲自定下菜单,或是抹上野生伊朗鱼子酱和酸奶油的俄式薄煎饼,或是羊肉配烤时令蔬菜和奶油土豆泥,每一道菜品不仅仅注重摆盘的精致美观,更注重搭配的营养健康。 除了菜品讲究,航空公司还特意使用了皇家道尔顿细骨瓷器来盛放7道菜品,另外客人还可以挑选自己喜欢的美酒来配菜。 |
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