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秉承“上海精神” acting in the Shanghai Spirit
取得新进展 scored new achievements
抓住机遇,应对挑战 seize opportunities and rise up to challenges
坚定不移走和平发展道路 stay committed to the path of peaceful development
打造新亮点 foster new highlights
区域经济一体化 regional economic integration
调结构、促升级 achieving structural adjustment and upgrading
产品性价比高 cost-effective products
优势互补、互利共赢 complement each other's advantages and achieve win-win outcomes
丝绸之路经济带 Silk Road Economic Belt
产业转型升级 industrial transformation and upgrading
贸易和投资便利化机制 trade and investment facilitation mechanism
民生 people's livelihood
人文交流 people-to-people exchanges
绿色丝路使者计划 a plan of green Silk Road envoys
传染病联防联控机制 joint prevention and control mechanisms for infectious diseases
政治互信 political mutual trust
高层互访 high-level exchanges
稳定增长、促进就业、调整结构 work for steady growth, greater employment and structural adjustment
互利共赢的开放战略 win-win strategy of opening-up
相向而行 work together in the same direction
实现产业升级 achieve industrial upgrading
产业对接、共同发展industrial integration and common development
以基础设施建设为牵引,以产能合作为抓手,以金融合作为支撑 with focus on infrastructure development and cooperation in production capacity, underpinned by financial cooperation
公共产品投入 input in public goods
推进通关便利化 facilitate customs clearance
21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
共建工业和技术园区 jointly develop industrial and technological parks
已具雏形 have taken shape
动态增长 dynamic growth
投融资瓶颈 investment and financing difficulties
专项贷款 special credit line
提高贷款优惠力度 provide loans with more preferential terms
降低融资成本 lower financing costs
扩大贷款规模 increase credit volume
人民币债券 RMB denominated bonds
国际化人才 globally competitive talents
政府奖学金 government scholarships
齐头并进、百花齐放 flourish across the board
举足轻重 have a major role to play
根本利害冲突 conflict of fundamental interests
走势分化 showing divergent trends of growth
未雨绸缪 get ourselves ready for all sorts of possibilities
崩盘 meltdown
跳水 nosedive
和平稳定的政治环境 peaceful and stable political environment
《布加勒斯特纲要》 Bucharest Guidelines for Cooperation
海陆并进、畅通物流 facilitate land and maritime connectivity and logistics
快捷重载综合运输走廊 a convenient and multi-functional transport corridor with heavy-load capacity
协同投融资合作框架 a coordinated investment and financing cooperation framework
优惠买方信贷 the concessional buyer's credit
股权融资 equity financing
出口信用保险 export credit insurance
装备租赁业务 equipment leasing business
把准中国市场的脉搏 feel the right pulse of the Chinese market
密切人文交往 build closer people-to-people ties
相互促进、相辅相成 mutually reinforcing
适应经济发展新常态 adapt to the new normal of our economy
坚持稳中求进总基调 continue to promote progress while maintaining stability
向改革创新要动力,向结构调整要助力,向民生改善要潜力 drive growth through reform, innovation and structural readjustment and unleash potential through improving people's lives
朋友如真金,百炼色不回 True gold never loses its color even after repeated smelting; and the same remains true for real friends
虽然在地理上是“远亲”,但在心灵上是“近邻” Though we are geographically distant, we make each other's close neighbours in heart
浇花浇根,交人交心 When watering flowers, make sure that water goes down deep to the roots; and when making friends, remember that best friends are those whose hearts are close.
(中国日报网英语点津 祝兴媛 刘明 Helen)
上一篇 : 原来英文也这么博大精深:“路”的表达花样多多
下一篇 : 趣味盘点:有关“五官”的习语
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