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Students salute during a flag-raising ceremony in Shanghai on October 22, 2017. [Photo: VCG] |
China's top legislature is considering to amend the country's Criminal Law to include criminal penalties for disrespect to national anthem.
今年10月1日,《国歌法》(National Anthem Law)正式实施。其中规定应当奏唱国歌的场合包括:党和国家机关的重大会议(major sessions of the Party and the nation)、重大仪典(major celebrations)、重大外交活动(important diplomatic occasions)及重大体育赛事(major sport events),还有举行升国旗仪式的时候(flag raising ceremonies)。同时,明确了不得奏唱国歌的场合,即不得用于商标和商业广告,不得在私人丧事活动等不适宜场合使用("inappropriate" private occasions),不得作为公共场所的背景音乐(background music in public places)等。同时,《国歌法》也规定了侮辱国歌行为的处罚方式。
全国人大常委会法制工作委员会副主任王超英介绍,国歌(national anthem)和国旗(national flag)、国徽(national emblem)一样,都是国家的象征和标志。为了依法维护国旗、国徽的尊严,惩治侮辱国旗、国徽的犯罪行为,刑法第299条规定了侮辱国旗、国徽罪,明确了刑事责任(criminal responsibility)。《国歌法》通过后,有必要对刑法第299条作相应补充,明确侮辱国歌行为的刑事责任。
为此,刑法修正案(十)草案在第299条中增加一款规定为,在公共场合,故意篡改中华人民共和国国歌歌词、曲谱(maliciously modify the lyrics and music),以歪曲、贬损方式奏唱国歌(play or sing the national anthem in a distorted or disrespectful way),或者以其他方式侮辱国歌,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑(up to three years of imprisonment)、拘役(criminal detention)、管制(criminal control)或者剥夺政治权利(deprivation of political rights)。
《刑法》第二百九十九条 【侮辱国旗、国徽罪】
Whoever purposely insults the national flag, national emblem of the PRC in a public place with such methods as burning, destroying, scribbling, soiling, and trampling is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention, control or deprived of political rights.
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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