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China said that the proposed name change of the Diaoyu Islands by a Japanese mayor would not change the fact that they belong to China.
The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have always been an inherent part of Chinese territory. China's determination to safeguard its territorial sovereignty remains unshakable.
Whatever tricks the Japanese side may like to play, they cannot change the fact that the Diaoyu Island belongs to China.
We urge the Japanese side to face this history and fact squarely, stop using this issue to make trouble, and avoid sabotaging a burgeoning positive momentum in the bilateral relations.
China-Japan Joint Statement 中日联合声明
China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约
timely dialogue and negotiations 及时对话和谈判
to achieve a settlement through peaceful means 和平解决问题
crisis management mechanism 危机管控机制
strategically and mutually beneficial relationship 战略互惠关系
pacifist constitution 和平宪法
self-defense forces 自卫队
to face this history and fact squarely 正视历史和现实
viewing history in the right way and learning from past mistakes 正确认识历史、从中汲取教训
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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