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中国日报网 2019-06-30 10:00


脱钩改革 decoupling reform


The decoupling reform was first advanced in July 2015 after the general plan was issued. In three pilot programs over the following three years, 422 national associations and 5,318 provincial industrial associations were decoupled from administrative organs, which account for more than 50 percent of the overall industrial associations.



同时,uncouple也有“脱离关系”的意思,二者的区别在哪里呢?简单来说,uncouple表示客观上解除二者之间的关系,比如,夫妻或情侣分手,可以用they are going through the process of uncoupling表示,之后,二者之间就没有关系了。或者, uncouple the two railroad cars(使两节火车车厢分离)。而decouple表达的意思要更复杂一些,就像这里提到的,使行业协会与行政机关脱钩,这里的脱钩不是简单脱离关系那么简单,还涉及到各种复杂的事务流程。

实施意见指出,脱钩的主体是各级行政机关(administrative organs at various levels)与其主办、主管、联系、挂靠的行业协会商会( industrial associations and chambers of commerce that are organized, administered, have contact with or attached to the administrative organs)。

同时具有以下特征的行业协会商会纳入脱钩范围:会员主体为从事相同性质经济活动的单位、同业人员,或同地域的经济组织;名称以“行业协会(industrial association)”、“协会(association/society)”、“商会(chamber of commerce)”、“同业公会(guild)”、“联合会(league)”、“促进会(association for promotion)”等字样为后缀;在民政部门登记为社会团体法人。

According to the document, all the qualified industrial associations and chambers of commerce should be completely decoupled from the related administrative organs in terms of organization, function, personnel, finance, property Party building and publicity.

According to the timetable for the reform, decoupling should be completed in an all-round way by the end of 2020.

同车不同温 subway train with varying temperatures


In a bid to ease complaints and accommodate passengers' needs in the hot summer months of Beijing, Subway Line 6 is now offering train services with varying temperatures.


Accommodate这个词有好几个意思,咱们最常见的是“容纳;提供住宿”,比如,This hotel can accommodate at least 100 guests.(这家旅馆至少可以为100位客人提供住宿。)This school is not big enough to accommodate all the children.(这个学校不够大,没法容纳下所有孩子。)但是在这里,accommodate的意思是“迎合、适应(某人的要求)”,一般搭配是accommodate one's needs/demands。这个词的名词形式accommodation多指“住处;(楼房或交通工具内的)空间,座位”,比如,temporary accommodation(临时住处)。

Those riding on the front half of the train will be hit with a strong blast of air conditioning, while those on the back half will be subject to much less intense A/C.

京地铁运营一分公司相关负责人表示,目前6号线整列车厢温度高峰时设置为26℃,平峰时设置为27℃。工作人员将通过手动程序,分别对“强冷”车厢和“弱冷”车厢的空调温度进行调节(subway staff will manually adjust temperatures in carriages based on which section they are in)。

北京地铁方面表示,通过对已上线的3列车试运行情况看,“弱冷车厢”内的空调温度要比“强冷车厢”内高2℃(temperature in carriages of cool section is 2 degrees higher than that of cold section)。具体而言,“强冷车厢”的平均客室内温度约为25℃。

不规范地名 improper place names


The Ministry of Civil Affairs on Friday instructed local authorities to act prudently and appropriately in a campaign against improper place names.

2018年12月,民政部(the Ministry of Civil Affairs)、公安部(the Ministry of Public Security)、自然资源部(the Ministry of Natural resources)、住房城乡建设部(the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)、交通运输部(the Ministry of Transport)、国家市场监管总局(State Administration for Market Regulation)联合印发《关于进一步清理整治不规范地名的通知》,对清理整治不规范地名工作作出安排部署。

The campaign mainly targets improper names of newly built residential areas and major projects that have had a negative social effect and have stirred strong public reactions-those featuring exaggeration, blind worshiping of foreign names, odd and incomprehensible words and repetitive names.

其中,“大”指刻意夸大(exaggeration),“洋”指崇洋媚外(blind worshiping of foreign names),“怪”指怪异难懂(odd and incomprehensible words),“重”指重名同音(repetitive names)。

民政部要求各地准确把握政策,严格按照有关法规和原则标准组织实施(regulations and guidelines should be strictly observed),防止随意扩大清理整治范围(prevent the campaign from being expanded in an arbitrary manner)。

It urged local authorities to regulate their work procedures, solicit public and expert opinions and produce a list of proposed name corrections cautiously.

高温津贴 high-temperature subsidy


Among 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions that have implemented high-temperature subsidies, nine of them -- including Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi, Tianjin and Hebei -- have raised their standards for high-temperature subsidies this summer, Beijing News reported.

根据《防暑降温措施管理办法》,劳动者在温度35℃以上的户外露天作业(workers exposed to outdoor temperatures above 35℃)或在温度33℃以上的室内工作场所工作(work indoors in temperatures above 33℃)时,用人单位应当向劳动者发放高温津贴(high-temperature subsidies)。

After the adjustment, employees in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang will get a monthly subsidy of 300 yuan, the highest amount in the nation.

Anhui has raised its subsidy standard from 10 yuan per day to 15 yuan, while Sichuan adjusted the local standard from 8 to 12 yuan per day to 10-18 yuan.

Hebei is the only region that sets an hourly high-temperature subsidy standard. It has raised the local standard to 2 yuan per hour for outdoor workers and 1.5 yuan per hour for indoor workers, up from the previous 1.5 yuan and 1 yuan, respectively.


Employees in northern regions and provinces such as Beijing and Shanxi are entitled to the subsidy from June to August, while those in southern regions and provinces such as Guangdong and Guangxi can receive the subsidy from June to October.

For those in the southernmost Hainan province, the subsidy is paid from April to October.

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