Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之六
[ 2006-11-10 09:52 ]

影片对白 She can't speak English properly. She doesn't know anything.
3. Good to have you back!
很礼貌的说法,在礼貌的同时,又不失亲切感。是同龄人,长辈,朋友或是晚辈之间都可以讲的话。可以说是“老少皆宜”!比如我们在接人的时候,就可以很有礼貌地、充满感情地说一句,“Good to have you back!”
4. You weigh a lot
这可是一句女孩特别不喜欢听的话。减肥可能是当代女性毕生的目标之一,咱先别管最后的结果到底怎么样,至少我们在提倡。如果哪个人对身边的女孩说 You weigh a lot,那可就是 You're doomed!你死定了!所以大家要注意了,不要轻易地对哪个女孩说这句话。
5. Shut your face
意思相当于Shut up!
With no doubt, we got a happy ending here! Still remember at the beginning of this movie, the director tried to show us a theme through a plot that love actually is all around! And I think you guys will agree that he didn't fail to do that, 'cause in the middle of this movie, we did experience all kinds of love! To quote from these lines "Love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriend, girlfriend, old friends." Yeah, it's true and absolutely right. But sometimes we can't see any love around us, why? Well, it's very obvious that we just take it for granted! And always bear in mind, it's never too late to say your love, but don't wait till it's too late!
1. 刚刚没见到你。
2. 你好重啊!
3. 欢迎回来。
Love actually《真爱至上》精讲之五 考考你 参考答案
1. 请问你的礼物需要打上包装吗?
Would you like it gift-wrapped?
2. 马上就好!
Ready in the flashest of the flashes.
3. 天呐!你岂止是天才,你比天才还天才!
Oh my goodness, you're so not a genius, you're much more than a genius.
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