The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之四)
[ 2006-12-31 10:19 ]
影片对白 Containment and control. This house is about ownership, not connection.
思想火花 这一段围绕着亚历克斯和父亲的关系展开,凸现了两人在事业(表层矛盾)和家庭(内在矛盾)这两方面上的分歧,而湖畔小屋则是这两个矛盾的联接点。
考考你 一展身手
1. Corbusier
Le Corbusier, Swiss-born French architect and writer. The most powerful advocate of the modernist school, he designed numerous functional concrete buildings and high-rise residential complexes.
代表作品:The Pilgrimage Church of Notre-Dame-du-Haut
2. Frank Lloyd Wright
A Scottish-born American reformer who lectured nationwide on women's rights, birth control, and public education and wrote Views of Society and Manners in America (1823).
莱特,弗兰克·劳埃德1869-1959, 美国建筑师,他基于自然形式的特殊建筑风格极大地影响了现代建筑业。他的设计包括私人住宅,在威斯康辛州的拉辛市的约翰逊制腊公司办公大楼(1939年),和纽约的古根海姆博物馆(1943-1959年)。代表作品:
Hills/DeCaro House in Chicago
Guggenheim Museum, New York