影片对白 I will pretend you did not just ask me that. She's the editor in chief ofRunway, not to mention a legend. You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want. A million girls would kill for this job.
文化面面观 The Devil Wears Prada: 电影与畅销书的结合
21. In the book Andy has been told by Miranda that she has to babysit her friend's son at this party. The son ends up being Christian. None of this happens in the film
22. Andy has a sister who gives birth to a baby boy which Andy is unable to meet for the first few months of his life because of Miranda's tight noose on Andy.
23. Miranda's husband does not leave her in the novel. The two have a stable and happy marriage.
24. Miranda's job is not in danger at the end of the novel, as it is in the film.
25. In the novel, Andrea ends her time with Miranda by telling her, very publicly, "Fuck you, Miranda. Fuck you." instead of simply throwing her cell phone into a nearby fountain. This happened, in the novel, after Miranda blamed her for not realizing that her daughters' passports had expired a week earlier and that she needed to get them new passports and on a plane to Paris by that very night. She immediately returns to New York to attend to the comatose Lily. Miranda actually does not make much more of an appearance in the novel after that moment. She doesn't help with any connections. The major connection that Andrea was able to make was enhanced by a loathing for Miranda that she had in common with the woman at Seventeen.
26. The novel ends with Andrea, finally having launched a more serious writing career with a somewhat autobiographical short story in Seventeen, returning to Elias-Clark to discuss writing assignments with another of the company's magazines. In the film, she gets the reporting position she always wanted with the New York Mirror (a fictionalized Village Voice) instead.
27. The film gives the impression that Miranda has a very high regard for Andrea at the end, despite her cold, unfeeling exterior, and that even Andrea has come to like Miranda. In the novel, how Miranda truly feels about Andrea is not known, although she does offer to let Andrea write short pieces for the magazine and pull strings at The New Yorker. Andrea does show some appreciation for Miranda and what she does at some points in the novel, but not as much as she does in the movie.
28. At the end of the novel, it is implied that Emily is likely to pretend she does not know Andrea because of the controversy surrounding her confrontation with Miranda. In the movie, however, it is made clear by Emily to the new assistant that she greatly respects and likes Andrea, and believes she did a honorable job as second assistant.
29. In the film, Andrea kindly offers Emily the clothing she received from Paris. In the book, Andrea sells the clothing to a second-hand shop for $38,000 and finances her writer's life for the next year.
30. In the Book we can read that Miranda and Andrea are both staying at the Hotel Ritz Paris. In the movie it's the Plaza Athénée.
31. In the novel version, the white Hermès scarves that Miranda likes to wear are discontinued, however in the movie, when Emily gets hit by a taxi, there is a shot of white scarves flying all over the street. (answers.com)
随着司机的一条短信提示,整个办公室都开始进入备战状态:穿平底鞋的秘书抓起备用的高跟鞋往脚上套、高级助理飞快地把各种杂志往她桌上摆好、连带倒上矿泉水捧起日程安排表……当米兰达抵达公司时,女助理立刻跑到身边,开始记录米兰达的任务,她说话语调从来不会抑扬顿挫,两片薄薄的嘴唇在短时间内不停地轻微运动,连珠炮地把一大堆事务交代给助理去办,语句之间不需要停顿,一气呵成。完了之后一句冷冰冰的"That's all"就把人打发走,即便是没听清楚也不能问她。这就是这部电影给我们呈现的一个时尚界的"女魔头"形象。跟着这样的老板干活大约新陈代谢都要提高二十倍才能保证跟得上步伐、不会被fire掉,同时还得有强大的心理承受力,不然每天对着这样一张冰冷的脸人都会疯掉。夸张吗?不,职场中人很多都经历过这样的上司,这部电影引发了他们心中的共鸣,这也是这部小成本的电影能获得巨大成功的原因。
1. 公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。
2. 大家各就各位。主编来了!
Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲十二)考考你 参考答案
1. 这个团伙那天晚上出去搞破坏了。
The gang was out to raise hell that night.
2. 他说如果他们不还钱给他的话,他就要搞点动作。
He said he'd raise Cain if they wouldn't give him a refund.
3. 如果她还是那么粗鲁的话,我就离开。
If she's rude again I'm just going to take a walk.
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