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[ 2008-04-01 16:02 ]


影片对白  No, we just take them out of the equation.


6. clear shot

A shot from a gun, nothing is blocking the shot. 毫无障碍的射击。

7. You're deeply nuts.

Nuts 作为形容词是指“热衷的,发狂的”,所以这句话的意思就是“你真是疯狂”。

8. gut feeling

内脏常有什么样的感情?我想没人说“高兴得肠胃都欢腾”,倒是“恶心地胃里一阵难受”比较常见。Gut feeling 就是指“不好的感觉”。

9. outranks your gut

这里的gut 是指“内心的感觉”,因为Jack 刚刚说了 gut feeling,所以 Harry 也就沿用了 gut,但意思略有不同。这句话的意思是:麦克的级别比你的感觉要高。


Speed 生死时速



Speed is a 1994 American action film directed by Jan de Bont, starring Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Dennis Hopper, Joe Morton and Jeff Daniels. A high concept film about a bomb on a bus, it is considered Bullock's breakout role. It grossed $121,248,145 in the U.S. and $350,448,145 worldwide. High concept film (高概念电影) 是指营销指导创意的电影生产方式及后续的市场运作。“高概念“是最具市场导向性、高度商业化的电影类别,是生产制作和市场运作的全过程都追求最大化可营销性的影片。

In 1995 Speed won an Academy Award for Best Sound and Best Sound Effects. The film was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Film Editing.

剧情简介 Plot:Jack Traven and his partner Harry Temple are SWAT team explosives experts in Los Angeles. They're called in to free a group of office workers from an elevator that's trapped between floors in a downtown high-rise. Howard Payne, an explosives expert who used to be with the Atlanta, Georgia bomb squad, has promised that they'll all be blown to bits unless he's paid off. Traven and Temple rescue the hostages, but Payne escapes. Later, while Traven is out getting coffee in his neighborhood one morning, Traven witnesses a city bus explode, killing the bus driver (Travens friend). Traven picks up a nearby ringing pay phone, only to hear Payne warn that another bus, filled with innocent commuters, has been wired with a bomb. When the bus reaches the speed of 50 miles per hour, the bomb becomes armed (speed detected by an assumed speed sensor on the rear axle), and if the bus drops below 50 after that -- or if any passengers are taken off the bus, or if the ransom isn't delivered at the appointed time -- the bomb will explode. Traven alerts the bomb squad and goes after the bus, boarding it as it speeds through rush-hour traffic on a Los Angeles freeway. One passenger, a thug fearing arrest, pulls a gun and accidentally wounds the driver, so passenger Annie Porter has to take the wheel while Traven makes radio contact with headquarters and plans a rescue. Annie is perfect for the job too, because she is currently without her license because of a speeding ticket. The bus must be kept moving faster than 50 MPH, so it's given a police escort that clears the way until it can be rerouted onto an airport landing strip. Then Traven, Temple, and Payne begin a deadly game of cat and mouse. Temple tries to figure out where Payne is hiding, while Traven tries to figure out where on the bus the bomb is hidden and, once he finds it, he tries to figure out how to disarm it. (answers.com)



1. “我刚好卡点儿下山赶搭渡轮。”米丽莎说。

2. 你想偷老板的钱?你真是疯了。

American pie 2《美国派》2精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. 我可不想在这个问题的历史上纠缠不清。

I don't want to get into the long history of this problem.

2. 他们出售家中的产业。

They put the family business on the market.

3. 为什么你不告诉我这件事?

Why did you keep me in the dark about this event?


影片对白  No, we just take them out of the equation.



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