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[ 2008-04-07 19:49 ]


影片对白  You ruin a man's life's work, and you think you can walk away.



夏威夷的清风——Keanu Reeves 基努•里维斯


From lamebrained teenage time traveler to metaphysical sci-fi Superman, Keanu Reeves has portrayed just about every character type imaginable in his sometimes wildly fluctuating career. Frequently lambasted by critics and often polarizing audiences suspicious of his talent's true extent, Reeves has nevertheless managed to maintain his lucrative career by balancing his lesser efforts with intermittent direct hits at the box office.

Born in Keanu Charles Reeves in Beirut, Lebanon, in September of 1964 and named for the Hawaiian word that means "cool breeze over the mountains," the future actor was a world traveler by the age of two, thanks to his father's career as a geologist. His mother, Patricia Taylor, worked as a showgirl and later a costume designer of film and stage, and after his parents divorced, Reeves followed his mother and sister to live in New York; the trio would later relocate to Toronto -- where Reeves' interest in ice hockey and acting took a substantial precedence over academics. His formidable presence in front of the goal eventually earned Reeves the nickname "The Wall," and it wasn't long before all interest in school waned and the talented goalie decided to pursue acting.

Later working as a manager in a Toronto pasta shop, Reeves soon began turning up in small roles on various Canadian television programs, making his feature debut in the 1985 Canadian film One Step Away before American audiences got their first good look at him in the 1986 Rob Lowe drama Youngblood (《血性小子》). Subsequently going back to television and garnering favorable notice for his role in 1986's Young Again, it was the release of Tim Hunter's The River's Edge (《大河边缘》) later that year that would provide Reeves with his breakthrough role. A harrowing tale of teen apathy in small town America, The River's Edge provided Reeves with a perfect opportunity to display his dramatic range, and the film would eventually become a minor classic in teen angst cinema.


Appearing in a series of sometimes quirky but ultimately forgettable efforts in the following few years, 1988 found Reeves drawing favorable nods for his role in director Stephen Frears' Dangerous Liaisons (《危险关系》). It was the following year's Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (《比尔和特德历险记》), however, that would transform the actor into something of an '80s icon. Reeves' performance of a moronic, air guitar wielding wannabe rocker traveling through time in order to complete his history report and graduate from high school proved so endearingly silly that it spawned both a sequel (1991's Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey) and a Saturday morning cartoon. In an odd twist of fate, Reeves and co-star Alex Winter had initially auditioned for the opposite roles from those in which they were ultimately cast. Though he would later offer variations of the character type in such efforts as Parenthood (《温馨家庭》) (1989) andI Love You to Death (《我真的爱死你》) (1990), it wasn't long before Reeves was looking to break away from the trend and take his career to the next level.


After drawing favorable reviews for his turn as a rich kid turned street hustler opposite River Phoenix in Gus Van Sant's 1991 drama My Own Private Idaho (《我自己的爱达荷》), Reeves battled the undead in Francis Ford Coppola's lavish production of Dracula (《惊情四百年》) (1992). Showing his loyalty toward fellow Bill and Ted cohort Winter (《比尔和特德历险记》主演Alex Winter) with a hilarious extended cameo in Freaked (《怪人集团》) the following year, Reeves once again teamed with Van Sant for the critically eviscerated Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (《蓝调牛仔妹》) before surprising audiences with an unexpectedly complex performance as Siddhartha(乔达摩·悉达多,释迦牟尼的本名) in Bernardo Bertolucci'sLittle Buddha (《小活佛》) (1993).


Just as audiences were beginning to ask themselves if they may have underestimated Reeves talent as an actor, the mid-'90s found his career taking an unexpected turn toward action films with the release of Jan de Bont's 1994 mega-hit Speed (Reeves would ultimately decline to appear in the film's disastrous sequel). Balancing out such big-budgeted adrenaline rushes as Johnny Mnemonic (《捍卫机密》) (1995) and Chain Reaction (《连锁反应》) (1996) with romantic efforts as A Walk in the Clouds (《云中漫步》) (1995) and Feeling Minnesota (《爱上明尼苏达》) (1996), Reeves spooked audiences as a moral attorney suffering from a major case of soul corrosion in the 1997 horror thriller The Devil's Advocate (《魔鬼代言人》). The late '90s also found Reeves suffering a devastating personal loss when his expected baby girl with longtime girlfriend Jennifer Syme was stillborn, marking the beginning of the end for the couple's relationship. Tragedy stacked upon tragedy when Syme died two short years later in a tragic freeway accident. His career in fluctuation due to the lukewarm response to the majority of his mid-'90s efforts, it was the following year that would find Reeves entering into one of the most successful stages of his career thus far.


As Neo, the computer hacker who discovers that he may be humankind's last hope in the forthcoming war against an oppressive mainframe of computers, Reeves' popularity once again reached feverish heights thanks to The Wachowski Brothers' wildly imaginative and strikingly visual sci-fi breakthrough, The Matrix (《黑客帝国》). Followed by such moderately successful films as The Replacements (《替补队员》) (for which he deferred his salary so that Gene Hackman could also appear) and The Watcher (《正义守望者》) (both 2000), Reeves took an unexpectedly convincing turn as an abusive husband in Sam Raimi's The Gift (《灵异大逆转》) before returning to familiar territory with Sweet November (《甜蜜十一月》) and Hardball (《棒球教练》) (both 2001). With the cultural phenomenon of The Matrix only growing as a comprehensive DVD release offered obsessive fans a closer look into the mythology of the film, it wasn't long before The Wachowski Brothers announced that the film had originally been conceived as the beginning of a trilogy and that two sequels were in the works. Filmed back to back, and with both scheduled to hit screens in 2003, excitement over The Matrix Reloaded (《黑客帝国2:重装上阵》) and The Matrix Revolutions (《黑客帝国3:矩阵革命》) began to reach feverish heights in the months before release, virtually ensuring that the films would become two of the year's biggest box-office draws; they delivered on this promise despite mixed critical receptions.


Reeves ensured his liberation from typecasting with a drastic turn away from The Matrix as the curtain fell on 2003, by appearing as heartthrob Dr. Julian Mercer in Nancy Meyers's romantic comedy Something's Gotta Give (《爱是妥协》). Although he played second fiddle to vets Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton, Reeves scored a bullseye, especially with female viewers. In 2005, he joined the cast of the collegiate arthouse hit Thumbsucker (《吮拇指的人》) as Perry Lyman and fought the denizens of hell in the occultic thriller Constantine (《地狱神探》). Reeves's 2006 roles included the animated Robert Arctor in Richard Linklater's A Scanner Darkly (《黑暗扫描》) and Alex Burnham in Alejandro Aresti's romantic fantasy The Lake House (《触不到的恋人》) (co-starring Sandra Bullock).

Famously playing bass for the band Dogstar (天狼星乐队) in his cinematic down time, Reeves' other personal interests include motorcycles, horseback riding, and surfing. When he's not filming, Reeves maintains an everpresent residence in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide



1. You think I wouldn't have been prepared? Two years I spent setting up that elevator job. Two years I invested myself in it. You couldn't understand the kind of commitment that I have. You ruin a man's life's work, and you think you can walk away.

2. Focus, Jack! Your concern is the bus.

Speed《生死时速》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案

1. 我今天早晨又迟到了,因为表慢了。

I was late again this morning because my watch was slow.

2. 他给自己和妻子登记了一下。

He signed in both himself and his wife.

3. 我们在三月份天气一暖就把冬天的衣服给收起来了。这实在是过于早了一点,因为两天后天气突然又变冷,还下了六寸雪。我们不得不再把衣服拿出来。

We certainly jumped the gun when we packed our winter clothes away the first warm day in March. Two days later it turned cold and six inches of snow fell. We had to get the clothes out again.


影片对白  You ruin a man's life's work, and you think you can walk away.



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